Could people tell that shit? What if I’d done it before and no one had told me?

Noah shifting slightly distracted me from my tooth plaque panic. Taking in the soft way he was looking at me and the fact he was leaning slowly toward me, I had no control over how my body responded by mirroring his movements.

When I could feel his breath on my face and see the different shades of blue in the striations of his irises, I should have jumped back and run for the hills. But nope, instead, I licked my own lips and ended up accidentally skimming his bottom lip with the very tip of my tongue.

The soft look was replaced by a hotter more intense one, but just as he was about to kiss me, the asshole formerly known as Levi popped up out of nowhere like a cold sore.

Nothing like a good herpes to ruin the party, or so I’d heard.

A Levi herpes, however, I could comment on and it totally ruined the party.

“What are you talking about?” he asked, not looking up from his massive cup of coffee.

“She was filling me in on your sister,” Noah sighed, not taking his eyes off me.

“Why is she my sister when she’s gross? Or a bitch? Or when she’s paging Edward Cullen?”

“Edward Cullen? As in the Twilight dude?” Noah asked looking completely confused.

The only reason I knew what Levi was talking about was that I’d been there when he’d come up with this euphemism.

“You know– when the server is down,” he punctuated it by nodding his head at the floor.

“When the hell did that happen? I managed to log in just before you got here, and it was fine!”

Making myself comfortable by leaning against the wall, I waited for him to figure it out.

When he pulled his cell out of his pocket and unlocked the screen, Levi sighed and put his hand over it.

“It’s not, dipshit! I’m talking about when Little Red Riding Hood is making her way through the mystical woods.”

“Are you high?” Noah asked, leaning slightly closer to Levi’s face and looking into his eyes.

Flinching back away from him, Levi gave him a dirty look. “Don’t get so close. We’re related and you’re not my type. I’m talking about when Ariana has leak week.”

This time when he said it, he pointed with his free hand to his crotch.

The look of disgust when Noah realized what his brother was talking about was freaking hilarious.

“Conversation over,” he hissed, then turned to face me again. “I need to pick up some shit from the warehouse. Do you want to come with me?”

“You mean an actual warehouse?” I asked, the prospect of leaving the Townsend land way more exciting than it should ever have been. “Like one that’s not here?” I made a large circle over my head, indicating the acreage that had been my home for the last twelve billion weeks.

Snorting out a laugh, he grabbed my hand and tugged me in the direction of the front door.

“We’ll catch ya later,” he shouted over his shoulder at Levi who hadn’t said a word but was standing watching us with a frown on his face.

Giving him an excited wave, I overtook Noah, almost running in case someone tried to stop us or asked him to help them out and prevented me from getting my freedom back.

As we got to the bottom of the steps, I realized that I had no clue which vehicle he’d intended for us to take, or even where that vehicle might be parked. I tried to hide it, but he saw my issue immediately and chuckled, tugging me toward a midnight blue Ford.

I knew that it was one of the company’s vehicles so it had to be big, but the fact was that at my height it was doubtful that I would be able to hoof my body up into the passenger side of it.

Granted, it would be a YouTube video moment, but no one wanted to look like a dick in front of the guy they’d had a tiny crush on since they’d sprouted boobies.

Maybe I could run and jump into it? If I got him to keep the door open, walked far enough away to build up some momentum before I leaped…

Noah’s loud burst of laughter pulled me from my scientific calculations i.e. trying to think how the weird guys on YouTube did it when they jumped from mountain to mountain and roof to roof without plummeting to their deaths. Maybe they were part howler monkey?

I quickly realized why he found this so funny when he pulled me past the truck, still laughing and now wiping his eyes - the big fartface.

I stopped breathing, blinking, plotting his death… in fact, I’m pretty sure that everything in my body even stopped doing whatever the hell it did.