“Your son decided that he was hungry,” I informed her, plonking him down on my lap, then wrapping my arms around him and holding on for dear life.

“Did you have to stop for a snack?” she asked, sounding distracted as she rubbed her belly. This baby was the most active to date, which didn’t bode well for us if Leo was anything to go by.

“No,” I hummed, watching Jamie aim and throw the ball at the net. “Go Me-Me!” I yelled, dodging the fist that Leo threw in my direction.

At that moment, Madix arrived with his own child burden and sat beside us.

“Did she score?”

“Sure did,” I replied, grinning proudly.

“Why does your kid have threads hanging from his mouth?” he asked after a couple minutes of watching the game in front of us.

“He got hungry,” I repeated.

“Noah,” Luna asked hesitantly. “What exactly did he eat?”

“The seatbelt.”

I was spared from a verbal ball crushing by Jamie dribbling up to the net, a child height one, and freaking slam dunking it so hard that the pole fell over.

“That’s my girl!” Luna yelled, standing up and shooting her fists in the air.

As the sounds of the crowd cheering died down, I noticed the water on my leg.

“You little…” I growled, holding Leo in the air by the waistband of his pants. “Your son pissed on me!”

“No, that was me,” Luna said, her voice trembling like she was about to cry.

“You pissed on your husband?” Madix asked in disgust. “This is a child’s event. There are little kids everywhere including your own– and mine…” he continued talking at us, but I realized something crucial and tuned him out.

“Baby, did your water break?”

“Uh, huh!”

“Do we have time?” I asked the age-old question.

After the first baby, you kind of started to get an idea of how much longer you had until the baby popped out. Of course, ninety-nine percent of the time you were wrong, but still!

“Nuh uh,” she shook her head and started panting. “Noah?”

I was trying to come up with a plan of action that involved… my mind was blank. The baby was coming. What was I meant to fucking do?

“Ya?” I replied, looking for an exit. There had to be a freaking exit.

“I think I can feel it’s head!”

And then all hell broke loose.

Luna“You gave birth in a gym,” Levi chuckled, sitting in the recliner while I tried to get what had happened out of my head. Not that it would ever happen. No, it was going to be stuck there for life.

“During a kids basketball game,” he reminded me, laughing even harder.

We hadn’t had time to run to the exit. My son, Hudson, had decided that he wanted out then and there.

As soon as I’d said the word head, I’d been unable to hold back the squeeze that had pushed it out even further. Letting go of Leo, who had started running around like he was an actor in 300, Noah had pulled me down onto the floor where I’d wriggled out of my panties and thanked God that I was wearing a long dress.

It had only taken three pushes and out Hudson came, his screams joining the horrified screams of the kids who’d just been playing basketball.

Unfortunately, during the pushing, my dress had ridden up which meant that they might have seen my poor husband catching the baby, all covered in blood and gunk, and pulling it up from between my legs.

They were going to be scarred for life. Hell, I think Noah was going to be scarred for life seeing as how he’d been down the business end for all of it.

“So, when are you having the next one?”

I looked over at his laughing face and reached for the only thing that was within arm’s reach– my sneaker. For some reason, it was on the couch instead of by the door, but at that moment I’d say it was some sort of divine event, as I lobbed it at his head and listened to the smack it made as it hit his forehead.

“Ow,” he whined, holding his head. “What was that for?”

“I thought I saw a bat,” I informed him, looking past him and catching sight of something that would really scare the hell out of him. “By the way, your son is eating dog food again.”

Quicker than you could blink, he was out of his seat and running for the kitchen.

“What have I told you? I gave you a damn banana on the way, boy!” he shouted, pulling the menace away from Banshee’s food.

Vlad’s food was on one of those bowl support things for taller dogs so they didn’t have to bend down as far to eat, but Banshee’s was always just the right height for Levi’s son who seemed to have an addiction to the stuff.

The dog in question chose that second to come tearing through the house after Vlad, wailing his head off. My dog was such a screamer.