Rearing back so I was on my knees, I flung her legs over my shoulders, angled down and plunged into her. Her scream echoed around our bedroom and I had a sudden thought that someone from my family might come investigating. But they weren’t that stupid. Well, at least I didn’t think they would be?

Pulling back out of her, I grabbed onto her shins and held them to my chest as I pushed back in again. With every retreat and advance, I held her in place, not allowing any movement of her body whatsoever. This meant that I reached the end of her, something which I knew ended in explosive orgasms for her– and that’s what I was aiming for.

Again, she came, this time with a groan, and I suddenly needed to be closer to her. I needed the extra connection I got when I could feel the heat of her stomach on mine, which was stupid considering what we were doing, but true!

I was right, within seconds of leaning down over her, pushing her legs closer to her head and changing the angle of my thrusts altogether, I lost control. All the methodical movements I’d been doing to get her to her peak changed to almost desperate pumps as I chased my own release.

“I love you,” she whispered in my ear.

And I came. Harder than I’d ever come before in my life!20 Luna“What is it?” I asked Levi, looking down at the wriggling thing in my hands. Vlad was beside me staring at it and tilting his head from side to side.

“It’s a Daschund,” he replied, just as the ball let out a high-pitched wail. “You’ve always wanted one!”

I had? Since when?

Unable to break his heart by asking those questions out loud, I grinned at him and pulled the puppy up to my chin to give it a cuddle. It was so tiny, but so stinking cute– even if I didn’t know what that was.

“Thank you, Vi-Vi.”

He’d been seriously awesome since I’d been taken. Throughout my recovery he’d been right beside me helping when Noah wasn’t around.

I’ve said it a million times since I met him, but I’d be lost without my best friend.

“Hey, what you got there?” Ariana asked as she sauntered up to us. “Is that a Daschund? Oh my god, I’ve always wanted one of those!”

Taking the bundle out of my hands, I chanced a glance at Levi who was sitting straight-faced, the tips of his ears a red color as he realized his mistake. It had been his sister who’d wanted one, not me.

The puppy continued to howl and wail the whole time, and I watched as Vlad paced back in front of us, not once taking his eyes off of the bundle in Ariana’s hands.

“Do you think he thinks it’s a steak?” Levi muttered, his eyes on Vlad.

“I’m not sure.” Although, it had crossed my mind.

Before we could stop her, Ariana kneeled down on the floor and let the little bundle find its feet. It didn’t take long before it was off like a rocket with Vlad right on its heels.

“Rat!” we heard Tate scream from outside the room followed by a crash.

Sighing, we all ran after the dogs, trying to save the puppy from the big dog’s teeth.

We needn’t have worried, not even a tiny bit.

Noah“You got me a pussy,” Luna accused as I walked into her office before lunch, Vlad skulking behind her.

She was at her desk, holding a little black bundle that was making a frigging racket.

“Are those his balls screaming in your hand?” I asked, only slightly joking.

“No, this is my new Daschund– Banshee!” she held out a tiny black bundle of fur that shrieked in my face.

“A Daschund? Like a sausage dog?” I asked, taking it from her. In my peripheral vision, I could see Vlad shaking in the corner and wondered what was up with that. “I think Ariana wanted one of these. Is this hers?”

“No, it’s mine,” she sighed, getting up to cuddle her big bad guard dog.

“What the fuck is up with him? And what do you mean it’s yours?”

“He’s scared of Banshee,” she explained, giving the trembling dog a cuddle. “It’s okay, it’ll get better!” she reassured him before turning back to me. “Your brother bought him for me because he confused me with your sister.”

An ear-piercing howl sounded right in my ear where the puppy had climbed up and was now sitting on my shoulder. I was worried that if I made a grab for him, he’d fall so I put a hand over his back to hold it in place, and carefully lowered myself to the floor.

I was about to ask her another question when a yell sounded from the offices behind us.

“What in the Lord’s name is your great grandbaby coloring in, Hurst?” Grams yelled at Gramps. They’d decided to stay with us a while longer, along with a couple of my cousins.