“Then you’re stupid and I want nothing to do with you,” she snapped, trying to roll onto her side away from me.

“What?” I was torn between laughing and shocked at her reaction.

“You’re dumb and you may leave,” she pointed behind her at the wall.

“Are you…?”

And that’s when I snapped. Pulling her over to face me, I climbed on top of her and kissed her. I finally got to taste my wife again, and even her irrational responses weren’t going to ruin that for me.

“I said…,” she gasped as she pulled back away from me, but I wasn’t having it.

“I don’t care,” I muttered, sitting up so I could pull her t-shirt over her head. “Jesus Christ,” I groaned.

Seeing her in a bra was better than all the best things in life all thrown together.

Rubbing my chin with my hand, I tried to focus on the rough feeling of my beard to calm me down.

She was the definition of beauty, my perfection!

And then it went to shit like it always seemed to do when Luna was involved. Not in a bad way, far from it.

She did a little wiggle, and then her bra was hitting me in the face. Quicker than I could keep up, she had my shirt up over my head and it was flying over the side of the bed.

“Pants,” she ordered as she wiggled her ass, the tiny visible line of her shorts disappearing under my crotch from where I was straddling her.

I heard the sound of cloth hitting something and then her hands were on the fastening for my jeans. I’d been smart when I came home and had removed my shoes at the front door. Both Luna and I had an issue with shoes being worn inside after we’d seen a tv show on the level of bacteria that was tracked through houses. And don’t even get me started on the protective covers we now had for our toothbrushes after seeing a show on air born fecal matter because of toilets flushing. That shit was just nasty!

Me not having my shoes on, though, meant that I could stand up and just let my jeans and boxers fall to the floor. Which was exactly what I did.

It had been eight weeks since I’d kissed her properly, and eight weeks since I’d been inside her, so any finesse that I would have liked to have had was gone. Non-existent.

Not that this mattered to her, she was writhing around underneath me, trying to touch me all over at the same time.

“Baby, if you keep touching me, this isn’t going to last long,” I warned her through gritted teeth, pulling her hand off my cock as she sat up and kissed me.

“That’s okay,” she mumbled against my mouth. “We can do round two then!”

She had a point, a damn good one.

But I wanted to enjoy this. I’d spent hours since the incident just holding her and talking to her about things, and I felt now that our connection was even deeper than it had been before.

I missed her taste bad, though, and I wanted it back.

Pressing down against her, I lightly ran the tip of my tongue just along the inside of her lip, groaning at how soft and silky it was. When her tongue peeked out and touched mine, I lost my focus on her lip and chased it back deeper inside her mouth.

Unfortunately, lying how we were, my cock had made contact with her pussy which meant that when I shifted, I not only felt her wetness on me, but it hit a spot that made her shudder.

There was only so much control a man had, and mine was now completely out of the window.

Reaching down, I skimmed my middle finger down her center until I found her entrance and then pushed in. She was tight, hot, and oh so wet around me. Just pure heaven.

When she groaned into my mouth, she tightened around my finger at the same time, and all I could do was think about how that had felt around my cock when I was inside her.

I began gently moving my finger in and out and, once her hips were rolling slightly, I added my index finger and placed my thumb on her clit, rubbing all at the same time.

“Please,” she groaned, pulling her mouth away from mine and tipping her head back.

“Mouth,” I ordered, refusing to go without it a second longer.

“I can’t when you’re doing that!”

“Do you want me to stop,” I said in warning, even though I was full of shit.

Her eyes opened and glared at me, but she lifted her head and kissed me again. She knew I was full of shit, but there was always the slight issue of what if. I was a Townsend after all.

All it took was a harder press of my thumb on her clit and two full circles around it, and she shattered.