I was going to die in this tiny place, and it would take days.

Days of darkness.

Days of not being able to see.

Days of torture.

Oh Jesus, I was going to end up on one of those crime shows. Someone would find my skeleton in five years hanging from this fucking shiny rail and they’d have to do DNA testing. Wait, no. Your skin and muscles and shit held your body together, didn’t it? If that was the case, in five years, I’d be a pile of bones on the floor and they’d have to use freaking glue to put me back together and figure out who I was.

Would they need dental records? I hadn’t been to the dentist since Dad had taken me. Did they keep records that long? What if someone had the exact same work I did? Would I be buried in the wrong grave?

I realized I was panting and started trying to calm myself down when he spoke again and I heard a weird rustling behind me.

“In fact, I’d been considering keeping you to myself. Well, at least once your face healed,” he added, like it was my fault that my face was broken. “Unfortunately, this is not to be the case.”

Nothing else was said as he shook out what sounded like the bag he was carrying, and in the next moment it was yanked over my head, and then he tightened it around my neck.

Then the door was shut, the vibrations of the thud echoing through my arms.

I’m not sure if it would have been kinder to use a black bag, but this one was clear which meant that I could see everything around me. If it hadn’t been, I might not have been aware of the fact I was in the dark? Who knows?

All I knew was that I was going to die. No light. No space. No oxygen.

And with my hands cuffed above me, there wasn’t a fucking thing I could do about it.

It’s funny that just as I thought that, I had an idea.

NoahWe’d run through a wooded area once we’d gotten out of the helicopter. The deal was that we were suppose to wait for the authorities, but not even the guy who was a policeman, Madix, followed that order.

Just in front of us through the trees, we could see what looked like a hunting cabin. It looked innocent enough from the outside, but we knew that the guy who owned it was far from sinless. Downright fucking evil to the nth degree more like.

“Take this,” Sven held out guns to us, apart from Madix who had his own on him.

“Handy little fucker, aren’t you?” Archer noted, checking his weapon and getting it ready as we all did the same thing.

“I know a guy,” Sven replied.

“You seem to know a lot of ‘guys.’” Levi pointed out, sounding distracted as he looked around us.

Sven froze and then turned to look at my brothers. “I’ve had to know ‘a lot of guys,’” he growled. “I don’t get involved in that shit anymore, but if I have a friend who can help me or someone else, then I’ll fucking do it. I saw them get married. I saw how much he loves her. Fuck, I saw how happy she was with him. I’ve heard the story from my wife about how Luna has loved Noah for years… so yeah, I’ll fucking dig into the dirt of the world to help him out and get her back.”

The last words hung in the air, my brothers standing with their eyes wide as they stared at him.

“I can’t believe she married you,” Madix muttered, breaking the silence.

Turning to look at him, I raised an eyebrow.

I was about to say something when there was a movement from the cabin as two guys came running out with guns.

“You go find her,” Sven ordered, pushing me forward. “We’ll take this.”

Our plan might have been considered stupid by some people, but we knew that the man holding her, the king of a drug cartel who sold unwilling women, wouldn’t hang around once he knew he’d been found. He was also known not to leave witnesses behind, be they women or children. His last residence had been left with the cooling bodies of nine women, so the chances of him hanging around now were slim to none.

This also meant that the chances of him leaving Luna alive were not even slim to none, they were just none.

I kept my eyes on the house as I ran, confident that the others wouldn’t let me come to any harm, and I was right. The only scratch I had on me was the one I’d gotten from a branch that was sharp as fuck, and even then, it wasn’t any worse than you’d get playing with a kitten.