Page 79 of Faking the Shot

He blew out a breath, studying her intently.

A moment passed between them, just like that moment on the steps when she’d slipped before. There had been a lot of emotions today, but the domestic quiet of right now felt like a promise for the future. Or it could be.

She smiled at him and he reached to hold her hand. To thread his fingers through hers. To imagine this could be theirs one day. They might be fake-dating, but the more time he spent with her, the more this was feeling real.

Something Chris said when Ainsley went with Diana to read the kids a book and say goodnight.

“Thanks for having us here.”

“She’s settled in well,” Chris observed. “Like, she’s so normal.”

“That’s what she said about some of the women she met today.” He told him a little of what Ainsley had said about her experience today.

Chris nodded. “I remember the first time Diana came back. She was pretty shell-shocked.”

“They’ve got good hearts.” He shared some of what he’d learned about Ainsley’s philanthropy, without spilling any confidences.

The more he got to know this woman, the more she flat-out impressed him.

She was gracious, kind, generous, compassionate, wanting to make a difference in the world. She was amazing.

Chris sighed. “Dude, you need to be careful. She’s gold, but if she sticks to this fake-dating thing, she’s gonna break your heart.”

“I’m going to make her not want to end this.”


He didn’t know. But with Christmas coming soon, maybe he’d have a way to find out.


Ainsley was ready by the time the Porsche pulled in. Michael hefted the gift baskets as she drew on her coat. Vancouver wasn’t freezing, but it was cold enough to justify another layer, even though she’d be in the car then the church.

The doorman opened the door, and followed her outside with several baskets.

Zac hurried to help. “Let me get them.”

She smiled at him as he popped the trunk and placed them in, and she withdrew a small gift from her bag. “Merry Christmas, Michael.”

“Oh, Miss Beckett, you didn’t need to.”

“I know, but I think you’ll be glad I did.”

He chuckled, and wished her a happy Christmas, and returned inside.

Zac closed the trunk. “All set?”

She nodded. “I hope I haven’t forgotten anything.”

“You know we don’t expect you to bring a thing.”

“It’s your family. I couldn’t come empty-handed.”

“You’re really sweet, aren’t you?”

Her heart warmed. Oh, he was kind. “I might’ve got something for Chris and Diana and their kids too.”

“You did? Man, you’re putting me to shame. I only got Chris and Diana something.”