Page 144 of Faking the Shot

“Amen.” Ainsley hugged Faith again then smiled. “Now, do you know if Mommy had organized dinner?”

“She had chicken nuggets.”

“Okay. Do you want to have chicken nuggets now? Or is there something else you’d like for a snack?”

“Want nuggets now.”

“Okay. Let’s do that. Is that okay with you, Jack?”

He nodded, and she hugged him too. “Thank you for being brave for your sister.”

He straightened. “She gets scared, and I’m her brother, and it’s my job to protect her. That’s what Daddy says.”

“He’s right.”

Chris was a good father, a good man. Training his kids up in the way they should go. Not all men in this world were bad. Some at least could be trusted.

She readied the nuggets and had settled the kids at the table when there came a knock at the door. She moved to open it, then recognized the shape of the car. No. No way. Why was he here?

“Aunty Ainsley, are you gonna open the door?” Jack asked.

“Um…” She made no move. She couldn’t. It was like her feet had frozen to the floor, as panic rose. So much for praying for God to release her from her fears.

“Here. This is how you open it,” Jack said, putting action to his words.

Which left her standing, staring at Zac on the threshold.

His eyes widened. “What are you doing here?”

“What are you?”

“Chris asked me to come, and I dropped him at the hospital then came here…”

She crossed her arms. She was trying to be brave. Trying to be strong. But weariness seemed to have chased away all she’d learned on Thetis Island. So it was either her or him. And she couldn’t deal with him just yet. She might’ve prayed for him, but right now she had enough emotional capacity to care for the kids but not for anything else. “Well, as you can see, I’m here because Diana asked me. And we’re fine, thank you. So, you can go now.” She fake-smiled.

His posture sagged a little, and she felt mean. Hadn’t she prayed that God would have His way in her life? Hadn’t she prayed for God to bless this man? Except there was a difference between praying for someone miles away then facing the reality when they were mere inches apart.Lord, help me be strong. I’ve got nothing—except You.

“Ainsley, please—”

“Uncle Zac! Uncle Zac!” Faith raced to his side. “You’re here too.”

“Hey, pumpkin.”

“Are we having a party?” Jack asked.

“No. Why would you say that?”

“Because when you’re both here, we usually have a party or a nice meal.”

“We couldn’t have a party while your brother is in hospital, now could we?” Ainsley said, unable to look at Zac a moment longer.


“Now, you probably need to go back and eat the rest of your food before it gets cold.”


“Please stop calling me that.” She still couldn’t look at him. She might end up throwing herself at his feet or his arms just like one of those desperate women the internet scorned.