“I didn’t know you had a brother here,” Ainsley said.
“Everyone knows my twin, Brent.” Bree rolled her eyes. “But yes, Dean, my older brother has lived here with his wife Laura and their kids for years.”
“What’s he do?” Zac asked.
“He does something in property law, I think. I can never really remember.” Bree smiled. “Sorry. I’m just a bit excited to see one of my favorite actresses in real life. I don’t know if it makes it really awkward or something, but Ainsley, I’d love a photo with you if that’s okay.”
They posed, and Zac took the photo, which seemed to be the invitation for a whole bunch more. He wasn’t sure how many of these would get posted on Instagram or other places, but if it kept alive the idea of Ainsley and Zac being a couple, that had to be a good thing, right?
It had to be a good thing. Theywerea good thing. They could remain a good thing. He didn’t want this to end.
But when he drove Ainsley back to her apartment, his hopes of finally talking to her about their future were shot down when she admitted she was tired.
“We can arrange a date another time,” he said.
“Thanks.” She rubbed her eyes.
“How are things going with the mysteries show?”
“Not as easy as I’d hoped. I just… I just have a lot of things I’m trying to sort out, and it’s a little more complicated than I’d thought.”
“You mean about Cassie and the ranch and the show?”
“I still feel so torn.” She sighed. “I felt like such a fake, acting like I’m excited about another season when I’m not sure I want to do that.”
“You’re a good actor.”
His words echoed in his heart. Shewasa good actor. How could he know if she thought any of this was real? They’d barely spent time together recently. Did that mean she’d withdrawn? He tangled her fingers with his. “Hey, are we okay?”
“What do you mean?”
“You and me. You know you can talk to me about anything.”
She wet her lip, in a move that looked nervous, and didn’t fill him with confidence about what she obviously did not want to say. “Ainsley? Have I done something wrong?”
“No. You’ve been great.”
“Do you mean I’ve been great, or the idea of me as your boyfriend has been great?”
She ducked her head.
“Hey, what’s going on?”
She exhaled, and he could suddenly see the tension in her face again. “Ains?”
“Aunty Win is dying.”
He jerked the steering wheel, had to correct it again. “Are you serious?”
“She’s had cancer for a while, and I’m trying to get this house rezoned and there are hiccups with the planning approvals. It’s just taking so long that I’m starting to wonder if it’s even gonna happen before…” She swallowed, as a tear trickled down her cheek.
“Oh, Ains, I’m so sorry.”
She swiped at her tears, and he wished he could pull over. It wasn’t long now until he could pull into her apartment’s drive, and he could hug her. How could he be focused on his own need for clarity about his relationship with her when she was dealing with matters of literal life and death?
“Is there something that can be done?”