Hate mail? “How awful.”
Glenda nodded. “Some people focus so much on the sin that they don’t remember that God loves the sinner. That weallhave sinned, and fall short of God’s glory—”
Oh, how true that was.
“—and it’s only by God’s grace and the blood of Jesus that we’re made holy, and that the message of Christ is that all can be redeemed.”
Her eyes filled with fresh tears.
“God is in the business of rescuing and restoring the broken,” Diana said. “He sets the lonely in families, releases prisoners, heals the sick.”
“That’s right,” Glenda said. “Jesus came to proclaim good news to the poor, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.”
Ainsley’s heart stirred. Oh, how she hungered for these truths, to know these truths more deeply, tosharethese truths. Not just here, but everywhere.
“I’m hopeful that one day we can start a Bible study for them,” Glenda continued.
Ainsley blinked. “Are you serious?” How bold and gutsy were these women that some might dismiss because of their gray hairs and age?
Glenda smiled. “I’ve heard of a group that holds one. In the strip club.”
“What?” That was all kinds of awesome, but also… wow.
“It’s a similar group to ours. After months building relationships with the dancers the ministry team asked the owners if they could hold a Bible study in the strip club, just for the dancers.”
“And they agreed?”
Glenda nodded. “Apparently the owners considered a Bible study as an opportunity to build morale for employees, or something like that. Isn’t that just like God to prompt people to do something like that?”
“That’s so amazing.”
“I’ve been in contact with the woman leading it, who is a pastor’s wife like me. She said she eventually asked her husband to lead it.”
Ainsley’s eyes grew wide. “And he said yes?”
“The dancers needed a man to minister to them, not because the women weren’t capable, but because the dancers had such a damaged, skewed image of men. They needed to see a man who knew Jesus, who was kind, who saw them as valuable. She told me that even though it was hard at first, and the dancers refused to look him in the eye, one by one the women met Jesus through this pastor’s humble, gentle leadership. And now many of them are leading healthy restored lives.”
Ainsley’s eyes filled with fresh tears that escaped in new sobs. This was what she wanted to do. Proclaim light and hope. See people set free. Demonstrate real love. Not just the romance she was known for, but real, restoring love. Just like she’d experienced with God. Just like she’d been reminded of today. Following Jesus wasn’t about trying to be perfect or look good; it was about recognizing God’s immense love for her and His desire for all people to walk in that love and freedom.
She wiped under her eyes and released a shaky breath. “Thank you for letting me come today. I didn’t realize how serving these women would bless me so much.”
“We’re glad you could come. And glad you remained incognito.” Glenda smiled. “It probably wouldn’t do much for your reputation to be known to have come here.”
“I don’t care if my reputation is damaged. These women need to know God’s love.”
“They do. As does everyone.”
Oh, how true.
“And we all have a role to play in sharing God’s love,” Glenda continued. “Not everyone has this calling, but as Christians, as Christ followers, I think we all need to consider that if Jesus was walking among us today, wouldn’t it be just like him to go to the most non-Christlike places and give the religious folk conniptions? Jesus loves people. He always has, and He always will. And He’s always ready to use His followers who are willing to go.”
Glenda’s challenge continued to play through her mind on the drive back to Diana’s.Lord, what’s my role? What do You want me to do? Give me wisdom.
By the time she returned to Diana’s, she was wrecked. She needed makeup to hide her red nose and red eyes so she didn’t scare Diana’s kids, who were home now that Chris had picked them up from school and day care.
“Aunty Ainsley!” Jack hugged her, followed by Faith.
Her heart threatened to buckle under new pain. She’d never be an aunt—Mack didn’t want kids, he’d made plain, complaining the world’s population wasn’t sustainable—so to be accepted into this honorary role was so touching.