Page 16 of Faking the Shot

“That about sums it up.”

“Good.” Luc nodded. “Okay, so that leaves us with a question. Are we sharing our faith? Because if this is good news, and it is, we all know that, then surely there are other people out there who need to know this, too.”

“I think we all are sharing in different ways,” Mike said. “It’s not always overt, and doesn’t always lead to quick salvations like Zac.”

“I don’t know that I was that quick,” Zac objected. “These are some questions I guess I’ve been thinking over for a few years.”

“It’s just about being ready at the right time to have an answer for someone,” Chris said. “Which sounds like a Bible verse, doesn’t it?”

A moment later Franklin looked at his phone and said, “Yep, in first Peter, chapter three, it says ‘Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect’.”

“So no Bible bashing or body checking people with the gospel, eh Luc?” Ryan teased.

“It’s just being real with our faith,” Mike said, “and not being embarrassed.”

Zac squirmed. Like he had been the other day.Sorry, God.

“Which is what we all should be, right?” Luc said, before asking everyone to think of those in their various teams whom they could specifically pray for to share the good news with.

Chris nudged Zac. “We were talking about this just yesterday, right?”

“At your White Night, right?” Jai said. “Allie mentioned that you saved the girl.”

Zac rolled his eyes. “She’s got a boyfriend.”

“That girl has had more dates than Leonardo DiCaprio,” someone joked.

“She’s a man-eater, a one-date wonder, they say,” someone else said.

“Hey, my sister knows Ainsley and says she’s really sweet, and a Christian,” Franklin objected.

Defensiveness rose. He swallowed it. It wasn’t any of his business, even though it seemed unfair. “Yeah, would you talk about me that way if I was like that?”

Hmm. Judging from the silence, maybe some of them had.

Luc nodded. “Good point. Let’s keep it on topic. So, who do you want to pray for?”

“Logan Johansen is the obvious name,” Chris said.

“Yeah. One hundred percent.” Luc’s comment scored nods.

“And Drew seems open,” Zac said.

“So we’ll pray specifically for those two. Anyone else?”

Other names were put in the mix, and Zac found himself agreeing to pray for them too. Which the others then did, and he even managed to pray aloud, “God, touch Drew.”

He might’ve only prayed three words but it felt like a win. This Christian stuff might be private, but it felt like it was needing to get a little more public too.

They finished praying, and were about to close the video call—just as well, as they had a game tomorrow—when Franklin whistled.

“What’s up?” Chris asked.

Franklin looked up at the screen. “Zac, do you know why my sister would be messaging me about you?”

“No. Who’s your sister?”

“Cassie James.”