It’s torturous.
She slowly pulls the spoon out of her mouth as she takes another bite of yogurt. Licking her lips. Maybe the movement isn’t actually slow. My mind could just be playing tricks on me. But it’s torture nonetheless. The only thing she should be licking up is the taste of herself off of my lips. The site of her making my dick hard. I suppress it as much as I can but there really is no use. At least I have a napkin laid over my lap. Not much good that will do though if this continues.
I watch her every move. She sits tall and confident. Eyes focused everywhere but on me. I follow the movement of her throat swallowing. Imagining her taking me deep. Hitting the back of that beautiful throat, swallowing me down instead.
King Charon’s voice pulls me from my thoughts. Though I have no idea what he’s asked.
Then Saphrina clears her throat, “Dinalia and I were going to go to the modiste. She does not have enough formal attire for all the celebration activities. And my Father has graciously offered to pay for the expense.” she says. I look over and she is placing a hand on King Elio’s forearm that rests on the table.
Watching the gesture. He doesn’t move. Doesn’t pull away but doesn’t welcome it either. He truly doesn’t care about his daughter. She is simply a tool he is using to take over the three realms.
Saphrina continues, “Though she will have to change out of her leathers. The modiste is still a high class establishment.”
I return my gaze to Dinalia. I was so enraptured by her movements I didn’t even notice she was still wearing her training attire from earlier.
“Too tired to change after our sparring match?”
She whips her head towards me. Face filled with astonishment.
“You sparred with Prince Aeron this morning?” King Elio asks.
“Yes, I was already in the training hall with Christopher when he and Saphrina arrived.” Dinalia replies.
“And what were you, Saphrina, doing with Prince Aeron?” King Elio’s tone is calm but stern.
He is unsettled by the idea of me with Saphrina.
Smirking to myself. I may have come in peace but that won’t stop King Elio from suspecting otherwise. He wants this marriage to happen because he thinks it will give him the power to overthrow my Father. Little does he know my Father will no longer be his concern in a few short weeks. And Saphrina is already eating out of my hand.
Saphrina is silent for a moment. Unsure of how to proceed. She glances between her Father, Prince Proteus, and myself. “He was inMother’s garden this morning. I found him there instead of Dinalia. He offered to escort me to breakfast. So, we went to search for Dinalia and that is when we found her in the training hall.”
Dinalia’s eyes return to mine. Though mine have barely left her. It’s hard for me to pull my attention away from her.
Her eyes are filled with anger and warning. She must not like the idea that I was in her Mother’s garden. I am sure with both her Mother and the garden dead it has special meaning for her. Good or bad I can’t be sure.
Ever composed. She’s sitting straight in the chair. Arms to her side with her hands under the table.
I’m on my elbow. Slumped off to the side in my chair. Hand resting on my chin. Admiring her. Taking in her lustful beauty. Seeing the darkness rage on in her eyes. Her black dahlia eyes bring me a whole new sense of realization now that I know those are the only flowers she has been able to grow.
What despair and sadness lie beneath her stoic appearance?
She clenches her jaw and swallows. It takes everything in me not to wrap my hand around that throat of hers and bring her into me. My eyes trail down her neck but then I keep going. Stopping them on her chest. Right where her Goddess mark is.
Though it is covered. It always seems to be covered. Clearly not wanting to expose the true amount of power she has.
I remember the first time I saw it. The night her Mother died. Her white tunic allowed the dark hue of her nipples to peek through. Hardening from the chill air or the adrenaline coursing through her at the time. It was loose and flowing around her body. She shook her hair behind her back and stood tall. That’s when I saw it.
It was the first complete Goddess mark I had ever seen. The mark alone means she is powerful. But the placement implies it is not to be exposed lightly. Her magic should be concealed from the world.Only revealing itself to those of her choosing.
Whether that’s includes close or intimate relations. I can’t be sure. Though I can’t imagine she’s had many.
I release my arm. Bringing both of my hands into my lap now. Trying to push the thought of her with other men out of my mind as I clench my fists.
What will become of me, of my mind, of my soul if I cannot have her?
“Well, Dinalia, it’s nice that you were able to spar with someone other than Christopher. I know he has not been much of a challenge for you in these last years. You being so… dedicated… to your fighting abilities.” King Elio says, pulling me from my thoughts.