Page 86 of Scars and Burns

We circle each other at first. Each of our steps matched the other’s.Keeping our distance.

Every action has a reaction. Moving in sync. Watching each other intently.

Just as we did that day in the forest.

And like then I will be the one to make the first move. Lunging forward blade ready.

She dodges me easily. She’s quick and she moves well. The technique is not lost on my end. But she will underestimate me. Believing I am like all the other large men she has fought. She thinks I will be slow. Able to dodge my blows until I tire myself out.

But that won’t be the case.

I’m large but I’m faster than most anticipate. And my endurance speaks for itself.

I turn around quickly. Elbowing her in the mouth. Silently hoping I didn’t hurt her too much and cause damage.

“Do not think you will tire me out. My… endurance is quite good.” I smirk.

Our blades crash together. Constant ringing fills the air.

She is an excellent fighter. Her movements are fluid. Unlike any other fighter I’ve encountered. True most are men but the few females I have been forced to fight still do not compare to her.

Graceful and grand. She is in her element. Clearly, not a day has gone by that she has not trained. Her fighting style is like a dance.

I can’t help but hold back. Wanting to watch her for as long as possible. Taking in her every movement. Drawing out the fight just to keep her near me.

Blades locked together. She pushes off of me, swirling around so our backs meet. I hear a click. Turning to face her but it is too late. She’s maneuvering her weapon in a completely different manner.

My eyes widened.

She has a entirely different weapon.

No, not possible. She wouldn’t have had time to change them out. Our bodies never left one another.

Unless, it is the same dual blades as before but now as one. Dual blades are meant to be used as a unit and she utilizes them perfectly. But turning them into a double edged sword in the midst of a battle is impressive.

Not to mention the weapon itself. I’ve never seen anything like it.

“That’s a neat trick.” I say.

If she wants to go all out then let’s go. I begin trying. Swinging my sword with more force than before.

We lock our blades again. Staring directly into each other’s eyes. Barely though with our height difference.

I push against her hard. Forcing her to stammer backwards. Feet away, neither of us relenting. Determination in both of our eyes.

We charge towards one another.

I clench my jaw. Not wanting to hurt her but also not willing to let her win. But what is odd is she is smirking. I could easily use my size and strength against her. No matter how skilled she is.

Just as I am about to land a blow, she’s gone. Sliding between my legs.

I slam on the breaks and begin to twist around. But not before I feel two sharp points on my back.

Freezing. Arm and sword still in the air.

“Do you concede?” She asks.

I can’t help but laugh. I, like most, have underestimated her.