Page 84 of Scars and Burns

“My sister and I, Dinalia. This was our Mother’s garden. It used to be full of life and a variety of plants. She grew everything that used to live here with her magic.” Her face turns solemn.

“I had heard of Queen Freya’s passing. I am sorry for your loss. But may I ask what happened to the garden.”

Shrugging her shoulders, she says, “After we lost our Mother in the raid from the Sha-” she falters. Almost forgetting she was speaking to the Shadowland Prince. She looks up at me, “From your Father. Everything in the garden began to die. Turning gray and black. Shriveling up and becoming this.” She gestures around us.

Interesting how she paused and said my Father. As if that makes me any less a part of it.

“So, where did this patch of life come from?”

Returning her gaze to the flowers, “Dinalia, grew them.”

My eyes almost shoot out of my head. Dinalia has the power to nourish life? I wonder what other powers she holds. Her Mother’s power seemed to be very vast. Having every power I’ve ever heard of.

Princess Saphrina continues, “Dinalia was the one to inform me that they never inhabited this garden before nor are they in the forest. She tends to spend a lot of time there, so she would know. But what is curious is they are the only thing she has ever been able to grow and she has no idea what they are. What’s even more odd is they seem to be the exact same color as her eyes, like a little part of her is in these flowers.”

“They are called black dahlias.” I say, matter of factly.

Saphrina looks up at me, “You know these flowers?”

“They are in abundance in the Shadowlands. Indigenous and I’ve never known them to grow anywhere else until now. Lady Dinalia being able to grow them is a wonder and mystery to me.” I’m looking down at the flowers. In awe of her. Of her abilities. Of her beauty and the beauty of her magic. Saphrina has a point when she said it’s as if a little part of Dinalia is in these flowers. Their dark essences radiate alongside each other. The sadness that hides behind their beauty.

“May I join you for breakfast.” Wanting to change the subject. It is hard for me to focus on my tasks with Princess Saphrina as it is. I do not need more thoughts lingering on the puzzle that is Dinalia.

She smiles, “You may. But do you mind if we go find Dinalia and she joins us? She usually meets me here and we practice my magic but for some reason she has yet to show.”

“Do you know where she may be?”

Thinking for a bit. As if Dinalia wanders everywhere in the castle. “She is most likely in the training hall. That or forest. But I can’t imagine she would venture there during these times with all the guests and celebration events to attend.”

I turn and hook out my elbow for her to take. Presenting myself as her guide. “Well, allow me to escort you to the training hall.”

She takes my arm. Shoving her hand into the crook of my elbow.

We begin our walk inside. Slow and leisurely. I lean down, not quite grazing her ear with my lips but my hot breath is sure to be noticed. “You will have to guide me in the right direction.”

I feel her body stiffen. Her hand grips my arm just a bit tighter. “Of course”

We’ve made countless turns and gone down a few flights of stairs but finally we arrive. I can hear the ringing of steel meeting steel from down the hall.

Entering the room. I see Dinalia fighting with someone… anotherman. I almost lunged at him right then and there. Not caring if he has a weapon and I don’t. My magic would overcome such an obstacle easily.

My thoughts are swirling.

Who is he?

Why is he fighting her?

What if he actually hurts her?

Their blades are locked when I say, “What have we here?”

They both turn their gazes towards us. Dropping their weapons and bowing their heads.

Dinalia says nothing but I can tell she is surprised to find me with Princess Saphrina.

My eyes meet Dinalia’s. My heart almost jumps out of my chest. The pull towards her is somehow stronger than ever. The need to go to her. The thoughts of taking her into my arms and pulling her away from this man seeping into my brain. Wanting to claim her, take her, make her mine in every way possible, for the whole world to see.

But I can’t.