Page 80 of Scars and Burns

We are in a stand still. Our blades locked.

“I’m not sure if I want to continue to live in a palace at the mercy of another. Though Saphrina would never cast me aside, this I know. She will still only be second to Prince Proteus. Fourth really, with his parents are still in good health.”

We push off of one another. Both taking a few steps back. He’s distracting me. Drawing out the sparring match in order to get me to talk. “I know what you’re doing.”

Smiling, he says, “Oh and what is that?”

I swing my blades. Still preferring my dual blades over a single. “You’re holding back. Making conversation. Getting me to talk.”

“You always talk when you fight.”

“Not about things like this I don’t”

We are striking back and forth at this point. Neither of us actually wanting, or willing, to harm the other.

“Fair point, but it has gotten you talking. Based on what you already said you don’t want either. You don’t want to marry and stay in the Middle Kingdom nor do you wish to return to the Celestial Realm.”

“You are right.” I admit.

“So, I ask, what do you intend to do?”

Our blades clanking against one another. Echoing throughout the hall.

“Well, the obvious choice is to leave the three realms all together.Start a new life away from all of this. No whispers or rumors following me.”

Our blades meet in the middle. His teeth are bared. My jaw is clenched. Sweat on both of our brows at this point.

Locked, neither of us backing down.

“What have we here?” A voice questions from across the room.

We both turn our gaze to find Saphrina and Prince Aeron standing in the entryway. Dropping our weapons and bowing our heads.

I am dumbfounded. Not sure what to make of Prince Aeron being here, and Saphrina being with him and not with Prince Proteus.

My eyes meet Aeron’s. A solemn conversation happening between the two of us. Neither of us knowing what it means.

Saphrina’s eyes dart between us, before beginning, “Prince Aeron, I believe you met my sister, Lady Dinalia, yesterday at the Greeting and then at the Welcome Masquerade Ball.”

He smiles over to her, “Yes, I believe I did.” Then turning his gaze to Christopher, “And her companion?”

“This is Christopher. Our fighting master.”

“Fighting master?” Aeron says, raising a brow. “He’s trained you both?”

Christopher and I look at each other. Not sure where Prince Aeron is going with this inquisition.

“Well, yes but Dinalia mastered fighting years ago. I never got the hang of it.”

Aeron returns his gaze to me. Looking me up and down. Studying my blades.

“Mastered dual swords? Interesting, few women tend to want to wield one let alone two.”

I lift my chin a little higher, “I found myself out of step with a single sword. With my dual blades I am at harmony with my fighting. Dismantling any opponent I come across.”

He walks over to me. Standing much too close for comfort and much too close for what is considered to be appropriate. I glare up at him. Tension building in the room. Though his expression is soft.

The same burning in my chest forms. The need to feel him touch me fills my mind. For him to fill me with his warmth. The warmth I constantly think about. The warmth only he has ever provided.