Her eyes immediately find me. Our eyes lock and there is an unspoken bond. Something neither of us can deny.
Or maybe is it just me?
Because as quickly as she sees me she looks away. Head held high. Eyes forward. Walking with grace and dignity. Her demeanor is so different from what I had come to expect.
Aemond nudges me with his elbow. I didn’t even realize it but I hadn’t been breathing. Nor had I blinked. Not willing to miss a moment of her enchantment.
They all file in. Taking a seat in the respective places at the high table. We are motioned to sit.
King Elio then rises, before speaking, “Thank you all for your attendance in the celebration of the union between my daughter, Princess Saphrina, of the Middle Kingdom and the son of King Charon and Queen Freya, Prince Proteus, of the Celestial Realm. This union has been long in the making and I have no doubt it will lead to a very prosperous and peaceful future. The Welcome Masquerade Ball is meant for the three realms to finally mix and intertwine. No longer shall we be separate from one another but move forward as our Triple Goddess would have wanted. Through birth, life, and death. Please mingle. Be merry. Find someone unfamiliar to you and get to know them. Leading to a blossoming future.” He pauses, looking over toDinalia.
Her head is forward but her line of site is down towards the ground in front of her. A glazed look in her eyes. Any emotion is absent from her features.
King Elio smirks, “In other news. I would also like to take this opportunity to announce that Lady Dinalia, my ward, is seeking a husband.”
Gasps and whispers break out among the crowd. She whips her head to him. He doesn’t look at her. Just glances amongst the crowd. Enjoying the stir he’s caused. She turns her head back to the front. Eyes frantic. Searching the crowd.
Landing on me.
I have one arm resting on the table. My hand has curled into a fist. My jaw is clenched. My whole body is stiff. I know I should look away. We shouldn’t be seen staring at each other. But I can’t bring myself to do it.
In my eyes, I know she can see that I want her.
But I cannot have her.
But I’ll be damned if I allow her to end up with a man who does not value her.
No one will have her.
She is without words. She is consuming me. My every thought, every breath is filled with her.
I cannot leave her be. She is my everything.
“Where have you been?” Saphrina exclaims at me. “You would have had my knuckles bruised at the start of every magic lesson if I was as late as you are today.”
“Well, technically there was no set time for the Greeting as it was dependent on the guests arrival. And we never specified when I should be at your chambers.” I counter.
“That’s not funny.” She huffs, crossing her arms over her chest.
I walk over and sit next to her on the bed. “No, it’s a matter of fact.”
She glares at me.
I give her a small laugh, “Okay, I’m sorry. How are you?”
She relaxes. Her whole body seems to slump as she says, “I don’t know. I thought when I saw him and my future in-laws I would feel something. A bond. A pull. But instead it was just awkward.”
“Yes, awkward. I guess I was expecting something different. Something grander.”
“Saphrina, it was only the Greeting.”