“You will be in attendance Dinalia.”
We whip our heads in the direction of the voice. It’s King Elio.
I stand up straighter. Not sure what to say after that. Saphrina’s appearance brightens. Slapping a wide grin on her face.
He walks over to us. Stopping to look down. Eyes bouncing between until they land on me.
“Regardless of how you started and came here to us. You are my ward and a titled lady. There will be many wealthy, young, handsome nobles from my Kingdom and the Celestial realm here. The Greeting, along with the Welcome Masquerade Ball this evening, is a perfect opportunity for you to catch the attention of one of them and lookto the future.”
Saphrina bounces on her toes, “See, now you don’t have any excuse! Even Father wants you there!”
I look over to King Elio. His face not giving anything away. This isn’t for me, it’s for him. So he can get me out of the castle as soon as possible. Trying to play nice, that way Saphrina will be more willing and comfortable these next three months.
“Come!” Saphrina squeals, grabbing my hand and pulling me behind her.
The King stops her,“May I have a moment with Dinalia.”
She and I share a look. I smile, “Go, I’ll see you before the Greeting. I’ll have to head to my own chambers to begin getting ready.” She nods and turns to leave.
Her footsteps fading away into the distance before King Elio speaks.
“Remember. You find someone to marry and you may stay in my Kingdom. Or you will leave at the end of the celebrations.”
Neither of us look at the other. He stands off to my right, looking out into my Mother’s garden. I stare straight ahead down the corridor Saphrina disappeared into.
“I have not forgotten.” I lift my head a little higher. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, Your Grace, I must go and get ready to greet our guests.” I walk away from him. Not waiting for him to release me.
Sitting in front of my vanity, I contemplate the Greeting. I’ve never been to such a formal event. I’m not sure I even have anything suitable to wear for the amount of formal events about to take place. And what am I going to do with my hair? My face? I don’t wear makeup and the only thing I ever do with my hair is pull it into a braid. It’s long and can be quite unruly when it wants to be.
I will have to prepare all on my own seeing as I have no servants to assist me. I sift through my wardrobe. Plenty of hunting and fighting clothes. Some casual dresses for our brief noble meetings in the castle.Then my eyes land on a sapphire gown.
All of my clothing is fashioned to conceal my Goddess mark. Not because my seamstress knows but because I inform them I am always cold and wish to be covered as much as possible.
I pull out the gown. It’s gorgeous and I haven’t had the opportunity to wear it. I remember when I fashioned it. Not long before my Mother died she wanted me to have one formal gown. We were designing the dress together. But sadly never got to finish it together. I had forgotten about it after all these years.
I chose the color after the eyes of the Shadowling that said he wanted to get to know one another. The most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. I did not trust him in the slightest but there was something about him. Something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. I was intrigued by him. Aemond, he said his name was. Although, I should not have allowed him to get so close to me. I could not resist in that moment. I returned to my spot everyday after that, waiting for him to appear. But he never did. I’m not sure why but I felt a tinge of sorrow in my heart when he did not come back. He could not be trusted anyway. Pushing him from my thoughts the best I could, I moved on. Forgettinghimand the dress all together.
It is the only thing I have that would warrant this event. I will have to wear it for the Welcome Masquerade Ball this evening as well.
Holding the dress. Admiring the intricate detail of the silver embroidery, when there’s a knock at the door.
I am not decent. Only having my lounging robe on, that is full length but doesn’t cover my chest near enough. “Yes?” I called out.
“Lady Dinalia, His Majesty would like me to inform you that guests have begun to arrive and your presence is required shortly for the Greeting.”
Great, I have no time. This dress will have to do. “Thank you! I will be there momentarily.” I respondedback to the page.
I quickly put on the gown. It fits perfectly. Extenuating my waist. Showing off my particularly lean and petite torso. It’s a thick heavy satin. The sapphire blue and silver coloring compliments my copper complexion. The neckline is high and the sleeves are long. Sure to cover my Goddess mark and scars.
I don’t even have any makeup to embellish my features. My natural features are all I’ve got. I quickly re-do my braid. Thick and full, it falls down the length of my back. The ends stopped just at the top of my ass. I pull a few front pieces out to frame my face. They have a gentle wave to them since my hair has been pulled back all day and I have yet to wash it. Otherwise it would be straight as a pin.
Taking a final look at myself in the full length mirror. I flatten the front of the dress over my torso. It feels odd to not have the weight of my blades on my back. I’ve never seen myself in this light. Never worn such an extravagant gown. Nor have I put so much effort into my appearance. I look different.
Satisfied with my appearance. I exit my chambers and make my way to the great hall.
* * *