But I do know better.
She looks directly at me as I make my way toward them. When we finally reach our destination I glance over at her. A small smirk on my face as I meet her eyes.
Those dark, mysterious, purple eyes that have tormented my mind since I first saw them.
She clenches her jaw and looks straight ahead. Not bothering to look in my direction. Restraining her gaze. Trying to remain stoic.
I look back over to King Elio. Hands clasped behind my back. We stare each other down. Who shall be the first to speak?
A moment of eerie silence passes. Then,
“Prince Aeron, how kind of you to join us in celebration. May I present my daughter, Princess Saphrina.” King Elio says, gesturing to his left. “And my ward, The Lady Dinalia.” nodding to his right. “As grateful as we are for your attendance, is there a reason your Father,KingPerseus, is not here?”
I raise a brow at him. So, I am now the true power behind the throne and I am still lacking respect from the other rulers around me. How fitting for the fate that is about to befall them.
“Shortly, after receiving the invitation my Father fell ill. Unable to endure a lengthy amount of travel. He sends his regards and sympathy. Though we had hoped my attendance would be sufficient.” My Father is the oldest ruler of the three realms. Two-hundred ninety to be exact. He had me late in life. Unable to find a chosen wife until my Mother.
“Of course it is, Your Grace. We were just expecting all the rulers to witness the first alliance between realms.”
I glance over at Princess Saphrina. She is glancing between her Father and myself with a worried look on her face. I can’t tell if sheworries about the Shadowlings in the castle, given the events of what happened last time we were here, or if she is afraid of her Father and the tension rising inside of him. Then I glance over to Dinalia. She is still looking straight ahead. Boredom splattered across her face. As if she could care less about who from the Shadowlands has arrived and if it harms King Elio’s fragile ego.
Until she feels my eyes on her.
Only her eyes move. I see her take a deep breath. Trying to keep it under control. The muscles in her jaw twitch as she clenches down even harder.
I return my gaze back to King Elio. Who is now eyeing Dinalia. Glancing between the two of us.
Fuck, I lingered on her too long.
Knowing exactly what I need to do to turn the tides of this interaction.
I stand and lift my chin even higher. My demeanor changing and the whole room sensing it,
“Blood for blood, King Elio, blood for blood.”
I look over to Dinalia and give her a slight nod.
King Elio’s eyes widened. A flash of anger overcoming his calm persona. His breathing is heavy. You can hear it in the eerily quiet hall.
Confusion but a sense of realization forms on Dinalia’s face. As she glares over to King Elio.
He whips his head over to her. A warning look in his eyes.
She looks him up and down. Not bothering to hide the suspicion on her face. Before slowly turning her head back to the front.
King Elio returns his attention to me. His pristine facade is back once again. He can’t risk losing control at a time that is meant to be for peace.
“Is that to say King Perseus is dead?”
Of course he would assume I killed him. I can see it on his face. The murder of Queen Freya still haunts him to this day.
With a small laugh, I say, “No, King Elio, my Father is very much alive. Just not well enough to attend. I do hope you are not offended by my presence.” I place a hand over my chest, bowing my head. Portraying the best amount of sincerity as I can after my last comment. Glancing up from under my lashes to Princess Saphrina, giving her a smile.
She stiffens. Eyes boggling just a bit. Darting around before returning her gaze forward.
King Elio clears his throat, “No, of course not. You are very welcome here. So glad the Shadowlands are accepting of the union and alliance between us and the Celestial Realm. We shall see you all later this evening for the Welcome Masquerade Ball.” He claps his hands together, “Dismissed.”
We all bow as they exit. Lady Dinalia leading the way out to her right with King Elio and Princess Saphrina following.