Lilliana rushes over to me. I sweep her up into my arms. She must feel like she is on top of the word. Her standing barely at three feet while I tower over everyone.
“Uncle Aeron, are you leaving too?”, she asks, with her sweet high pitched voice. Arms wrapped around my neck.
“Yes, little flower, I am.”
“Lilliana, it’s Your Grace.” Aemond says, walking over to us, hand in hand with Estelle.
“No, Dada, it’s Uncle Aeron.” She turns her head smiling back at me.
I give her a smile, “That’s right but only you can call me that.”
She giggles as I tickle her tummy. “Hehe, because I’m special?”
“Uncle Aeron?”
“Yes, little flower?”
“Will I ever get an auntie?”
I give her a weary look. Aemond and Estelle are in shock. Surely, the thought was put in Lilliana’s head when she overheard the two of them talking about Dinalia.
“Lilliana, honey -” Estelle begins, but I cut her off.
“No, little flower, I don’t think there is anyone out there for me to make your auntie.”
She gives me a grumpy look. Furrowing her brows together and pursing her lips.
“There must be someone.”
I give her a small laugh. Giving her parents a look. They both lookaway. Cowards. “Well, if there is. You’ll be the first to know.”
“Hehe, good.”
I set her down. Estelle takes Lilliana’s hand in hers.
Aemond kneels down. Face-to-face with his baby girl. “Now, you be good for Mama while I’m gone.”
“I will Dada. I promise.”
He rests his hand on the side of her face and she leans into it. Caressing her cheek with his thumb before standing. He gives Estelle one last look. Nodding at one another since they both know what is about to happen. Both know the risks.
Aemond turns to me. Resting his hand on my shoulder. “Ready, Your Grace?”
I give him a small nod and smile, “Are you?”
He huffs at me, “As I’ll ever be, Your Grace.” and heads over to our horses.
“You will take care of him.” Estelle says to me. More of a command rather than a question.
I know she is worried. She always does. She worries now more than ever with the state of things and Lilliana getting older. It’s becoming harder to hide the world from her.
“When have I not?” I say flatly.
Giving me a skeptical look, “And you will take care of yourself.”
Knowing that answer is harder than the other. I sigh, “I’ll do my best.”