I hear him tear her clothes. A small muffled whimper escapes her mouth. His breathing is heavy. He begins to moan deeply as he forces himself into her.
This woman’s life means nothing to me. For all I know she was a part of the raid on the castle. But that does not mean she deserves this fate.
Slowly, I unsheathe my blades and make my way over to them. Stealthy, careful not to make a sound. I stand behind him. Fool, doesn’t even sensemy presence. Probably too drunk off his ass.
The woman opens her eyes. She’s been struggling this whole time. Though it hasn’t made a difference. Her movements cease. Eyes peering past him and straight to me.
Arrogance of a man, he smirks, “Beginning to like it? I knew you would. They all eventually come around.”
Sickening. How many women has he done this too?
“She’s not beginning to like it. You filth.”, I snarl at him.
He freezes. Gets up and turns to me. He’s sluggish and slow. Nearly falling over as he tries to stand. “Who the fuck are you?”
“That doesn’t matter.”
“Good, that means you’re a nobody. Once I’m finished with her I’ll have my fun with you.”
“You’re right about one thing. I am a nobody but your fun will end here and now.”
He gives me a slurred laugh, “You sassy little bitch. I’ll enjoy punishing your mouth for your insolence.” He lunges at me, right into my blades.
Blood sputters out of his mouth. Eyes boggled wide. I plunge them further into his gut. Pushing him to the ground as his knees slowly descend. With one final thrust, I twist my blades ensuring his final moments are filled with utter pain.
I withdraw my blades and clean them off on his clothes. Sheathing them once more behind my back. I glance over to the women who was just raped.
She’s staring up at me. Shock and confusion on her face. My face is blank. I offer her my hand. She takes it. Her own is shaking. Pulling her to her feet, I ask, “Are you alright?”
“Ye - yes, thank to you. Who are you? Why did you help me?”
“Would you rather I let him continue?”
“No, of course not. I’m just confused. You could have easily been his next victim.”
“Unlikely, he was drunk, caught off guard, and lunged into my blades onhis own accord. Not even noticing them as he was insulting me.”
“My name is Estelle. Are you from around here?” She says, stroking her belly.
It’s almost a relief to meet someone who doesn’t know who I am. It’s too dark outside for her to see my features clearly. My raven hair and copper skin blending into the Shadowlings but my eyes would have given me away.
Sighing, “No, I am not from around here. I was just passing by and… I don’t know, felt a sense of responsibility. No one should be taken advantage of in such a manner. All deserve to be treated with care and respect. Regardless of status. Something we are all born with but at no fault of our own.”
I’m not really sure why I am saying this to her. I most likely will never see her again so there is no harm done.
“Have you met our young Prince?”
“Can’t say that I have.” I’ve heard rumors. He was first brought to my attention by King Elio when we had fled to Akino. The prince was only nine at the time and was already killing. Already mastering his magic. I’ve heard now he’s grown into the most ruthless Fae in the world. Defeating his Father and every other opponent he comes across. Enhancing his magic. Developing black flames. Torturing men with his shadows in the most gruesome way. Beating and slaughtering people. The amount of blood he has shed can fill rivers that flow throughout all the lands. Everyone avoids him. In fear of angering him. Not wanting to unleash his wrath.
“He shares your views.” The woman replies.
Not what I was expecting her to say. That completely contradicts his reputation. “Is that so?”
“Yes, you should meet him. He would be glad to have someone of your skills on his side.”
Side? What side?
His realm perhaps.