Page 47 of Scars and Burns

“It was nice seeing you, Princess.” And then I’m gone.



What an odd interaction. I lay in bed, late that night, thinking about our time together. Still annoyed that he called me princess, when I am anything but.

What was I doing? What was I saying? Was I flirting, was he? Why didn’t I fight back?

He said I was extraordinary. He said he wanted to get to know me. And offered me to get to know him. Why?

Why would this random man from the Shadowlands be so intrigued by me? The way he spoke to me. The way he looked into my eyes. The words he whispered into my ears.

I recall the caress of his lips on my skin. His breath sent shivers throughout my body. Goddess how is he having this effect on me? Why is he having this effect on me?

His words haunt my thoughts.

“In every way imaginable. You have infected my mind. My every thought leads back to you. Seeing you every time I close my eyes. Longing for your touch. To feel your eyes pierce my own. I want to know what lies behind those black dahlia eyes of yours. To know what drives you. What moves you. I want to understand every essence of your soul. I see the darknessthat you try to keep at a bay. I know it’s there. Let me coax it out of you. Let me match your desires ”

If I am infecting his mind the way he says the feeling is mutual now. He won’t leave my thoughts. I couldn’t hold a conversation at supper this evening with Saphrina because all I could think about was him.

His lips trailed along my skin just like before but this time he passed over my own. I long to feel those lips on mine. Hard and coarse as he may be, his lips looked soft and inviting.

He offered to show himself to me. His tattoos were new for sure. The cocky ass referring to his arms.

He is impressive. Built and toned. Muscular beyond compare. The way his body instantly meshed with mine. Regardless of our size difference. My mouth went dry and my chest began to burn. The sound of his voice has my center twitching. The feel of his dick pressed up against me has my pussy fluttering.

I felt the hard planes of his chest. The perfect ridges of his torso. No doubt dipping into the most lustful ‘V’ leading to what I can only imagine is a very substantial dick. Given the fact that he shows through his thick black trousers.

Touching my own lips as I think about all the ways our bodies could intertwine. I trail my fingers down my throat. Grazing them down my sternum, over my stomach until they reach my center.

Needing to feel some sort of release. I begin to rub. Slow, small circles over my sensitive bud. Imagining it is him. His fingers or his tongue. Whichever gets the job done.

I glide into my folds. I’m dripping. More than I ever have before.

Not the first time I have explored my own body. But the first time it’s been brought on by the thoughts of another.

I dip into my center. Finding the spongy spot inside of me. Curling my fingers. Working myself until I am about to reach my climax.

My other hand cupping and massaging my breast. Though a smallbreast it is, no less sensitive. Twirling my nipple between my fingers.

I hear his voice. Feel his breath. I close my eyes and all I see are his. Deep pools of sapphires that are seared into my brain.

Just as I am about to bring myself release I pull my fingers out. Returning to my clit, before reaching pinnacle.

Crying out his name, “Aemond”, soft and breathless.

My breathing is shallow. I’ve worked up a little bit of a sweat.

Sufficiently satisfied, I clean myself off and return my thoughts to our conversation.

He actually seemed like he wanted to get to know me.

As if he actually cared.

He saw me.

He knows of the darkness that lies within me. It’s not the first time he has mentioned it. A darkness I’ve tried so hard to ignore. But he wants it. He wants to bring it out of me.