Page 2 of Scars and Burns

I pushed past my fear, swallowing it down without a second thought. Emerging from my hideaway, I picked up the man’s forgotten weapon and with all my might shoved the dagger through his side.

Knocking him off of my Mother. He faltered. Clutching his side with shock and vengeance in his eyes. My Mother scrambled to her feet trying to take the blade from me. But before she could reach me I was swinging with all my strength again towards the man that threatened my home. Grasping and hitting any part of him that I could.

Bloodied and bruised the man was all but dead, but it’s not enough. With one final stab I plunged the dagger into his heart. Staring directly into his eyes as I watched the light fade. And as his soul left his body it was as if all warmth in mine too dissipated.

I stilled, blade still plunged in the man’s chest. Retching the weapon from my hand my Mother grabbed my shoulders and knelt down to look at me. Covered in splattered blood. I dare not look into her eyes. Not wanting to see what lies there. Would she be shocked, afraid, angry… disgusted? Repulsed with what her own daughter had just done.

My Mother who is everything light and good in my life. Who taught me right from wrong.

Without a word she pulls me into her arms in an embrace I did not expect. I stare down at the man, eyes still open, not able to look away.

Before I was able to process what I had just done my Mother began rushing us out of the house. Gathering what few things we could carry. Running along one of the many paths that run through the mountains. Hoping we know our lands better than the Shadowlings. Escaping to the capital city of Azaria.

We traveled for days with no food and the only water to be found were in the streams that flow down from the glaciers in the high mountains. Giving me plenty of time to think about that night.

That was my first kill. Unleashing rage I didn’t even realize I carried. For who could have so much darkness inside of them at the mere age of five?

Darkness lives in us all, that’s what Mother says. We must follow the light of our Triple Goddess if we are going to prevail through the darkest parts of ourselves. Our Goddess’s light has blessed us all and we must do our best to allow it to guide us. Or darkness will consume our souls. For it is easy to descend into the night but harder to rise above and touch the stars.

But I can’t help but feel it calling to me now. A desire I didn’t know I had. A darkness that seems to conflict with the light in my soul that is supposed to be there.

I still feel its power. I crave it. The strength I felt taking back myhome and defending my Mother. Replaying every moment in my mind over and over. There was a change in me that day. A seed of destruction began to grow.

On our journey, I vowed to make myself powerful and never again fear for my life. To be able to protect myself and my Mother at all costs. I will never be just no one again. For I learned an important lesson that night.

Killing is the sweetest thing.

Anddeathis not a sentence but arelease.



The kingdom of the Celestial Realm built their castle high on top of a mountain where the glaciers never melt. Wanting to be closest to our Goddess. Whose moonlight shines brightest in the snow. Being the first of the three kingdoms the Triple Goddess created. They value birth. The first light in one’s eyes and heart is given to them among the moon and the stars.

Almost withered away to nothing. We arrived in the dead of night at the gates of the castle in Azaria. Looking down at my feet and the path in front of me. I see the ground change from dirt, to stone, to marble flooring.

I chanced to look around the room we stopped in. The entire room is made of marbling. Shining and brilliant, I’ve never seen such perfection in my life. Clearly, emanating the pristine elegance of the stars given to us by the Triple Goddess. Valuing her spiritual light.

I return my gaze back to my feet when the King speaks. We were somehow granted an audience with King Charon and Queen Ayla. They looked upon us with empathy. Hearing our tale. Pleading with them to save our village.

But what is the worth of a forgotten village on the border? A smalltown filled of people with names and lives that aren’t even known to their King. To take back our village from King Perseus it would take a small army. For with every soul he takes the more power he obtains. Feeding the darkness. Their powers of shadow manipulation seeps into your mind hindering one’s fighting ability. It presents you with your darkest fears. Playing it out before your eyes. You see it. Feel it. As if it were truly happening right in front of you. Burning you from the inside out. If you do not have your own magic to wield to combat it. It finds your soul and tears it apart adding to their own power. The only realm to worship the essence of death of our Triple Goddess.

“We cannot afford to go to war with the Shadowlands…” King Charon replied. Pausing, gesturing his hand as if wanting to say my Mother’s name but clearly not remembering what she said.

She looks up from beneath her lashes, “Freya”

“Freya,” He says curtly. “It’s just too great a risk.”

I see Queen Ayla stroke her belly. She must be pregnant. The welfare and life of their unborn child is more important than the border of their realm.

The hall room grows quiet. Then, “Achoo!”

We all whip our heads to the sound. I see a boy. That must be Prince Proteus. He is three years older than me.

“Proteus, you should be in bed.” Queen Ayla says softly.

“But it’s officially my birthday.”