Page 129 of Scars and Burns



I’m laying in bed when I hear shouting from the hall. Shooting out of bed I grab my blades and make my way over to the door.

Moments after Saphrina fled my room, a page arrived announcing the wedding festivities for the day had been canceled due to unforeseen circumstances.

Aeron left shortly after. Something has changed between us. I feel a little more like myself whenever he is with me. Like I found a part of myself I didn’t realize was missing.

I’m authentically me.

No need to hide.

No fear of exposure.

Just me.

Just us.

Morphing perfectly into one another.

He’s gone now. He had to go handle something in the Shadowlands with his Father. I didn’t question it.

Before I can reach the door. It’s bursting open.

But to my surprise it’s Prince Proteus.

What is he doing here?

“Lady Dinalia, you must come with me?”

I can’t put my finger on it but something is different about him. He’s not the same well mannered, timid boy that came to us a few days ago. His eyes reflecting more deep cerulean blue than before. How is that even possible?

I nod. Skeptical at the fact that he is in this wing of the castle and he is the one calling on me. I hear chaos echoing the halls around us. He is rushing me towards my Mother’s garden. Away from the castle.

Evidently, I wasn’t moving fast enough because he grabbed my hand and started running. I feel out of sorts. A discomfort and uncertainty I have not felt before.

“Why are we leaving the castle? What is going on?”

“There isn’t much time. The Shadowlands are attacking. Another raid. And I don’t think they intend to leave any survivors this time.”

Shock barrels through me. No, this can’t be. Aeron, he wouldn’t have done this.

We make it to my Mother’s garden where King Charon, Queen Ayla, and Saphrina are already waiting.

“Ugh, what is she doing here?” Saphrina asks.

“I don’t have to come with you.”

“Good, no one wants you here anyway.” She says, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Saphrina, it doesn’t matter if you don’t want her here. We need her. She knows the forest. She will be able to grant us safe passage through. Back to the Celestial Realm.” Prince Proteus says.

How does he know that?

Why are they just fleeing?

And where is King Elio?