Page 125 of Scars and Burns

“I will lock your mind in fear. Replaying your darkest terrors every day for the rest of your life. Burning them into the very essence of your soul, mutilating your mind, corrupting your body if you even look in her direction. She is mine and you will not have her.”

Then I’m struck with a burst of starlight. Celestial magic. I falter, physically. Releasing Proteus from my grip.

He scrambles to his feet. Running over to King Charon and QueenAyla. Teleporting away.

No matter. I will deal with them in time.

He will not persuade Dinalia. Our souls are already one.

Redirecting my attention to my Father, who is still struggling underneath my hold. His skin is starting to smoke. My magic burned through his clothes and slowly seared into him.

Painfully. Ever so painfully.

“I have never wanted anything from you and now you threaten to take what is mine. You are a pathetic excuse for a King and a worthless Father.”

His jaw is clenched. Trying to fight through the pain. “I made you what you are. You owe everything to me.”

“Perhaps. You made me into a machine for your own use and power. Mutilating me, your own son into compliance.”

“It was the only way to bring you to your full potential. You are death, my son. No one can escape you. No matter how much they try.”

I smirk, “You are right. Not even you.”

His eyes widened. So many times the positions have been reversed. Me cowering under the grip of his magic.

But not anymore.

“As death, I release you from this world.”

“You wouldn’t dare! I am your Father! I am your King!”

“Correction. You were my Father. I disown you just as you did me all those years ago. And now I am King because you…”

I rearrange my magic. Four ropes tied around his wrists and ankles. Sending clouds of black smoke his way. Relishing in his blood curdling screams. Screams so frantic they shake the walls of the study.

As my black smoke curls into his mind. Finding his soul. Ripping it apart bit my bit. My black flames pull his limbs in every direction.Drawing and quartering him.

It falls silent as his body drops to the ground.

Dismantled - mind, body, and soul.

“You are dead.”

* * *

I teleport to the billet. Estelle and Lilliana are already there.

Estelle looks at me, wide eyed. While Lilliana rushes over to me, shouting, “Uncle Aeron! You’re back!”

Smiling, picking her up and spinning her around.

“What are you doing here? Is everything alright? Where’s Aemond?” Estelle asks frantically.

I hold Lilliana in one arm. Placing my other hand on Estelle’s shoulder. “Everything is alright but much has happened. We will need to regroup our strategy.” I wave my hand and Aemond appears.

I left him to watch over Dinalia while she rested and I punished the unworthy bastards. I summon a wall of black magic around her door and windows. No one shall enter until I release it. I prefer not to use this form of protection because she would not be able to exit either. But I need Aemond here.

He almost falls to the ground. Stumbling over. Grunting as he stands, trying to find his bearings again. “You know one of these days I’m going to be indecent when you summon me.” He says, brushing himself off once he’s finally up right. He glances around, “Why are we at the billet?”