Page 106 of Scars and Burns

It’s not entirely whole. As if it doesn’t have a physical form.

Just a shadow itself.

Not sure how to proceed, I freeze. Waiting to see how this encounter is about to play out.

Then Aeron is releasing his magic towards the creature.

I’m shocked at what I see. The creature absorbed his magic. And is now bigger.

How can that be?

Shadowlings magic is fraught with danger. No one, nothing can withstand it.

Aeron has a formidable reputation not just for his fighting abilitiesbut his magic as well. It is said to be worse than his Father’s. Torturing you. Tormenting you. Searing pain in your mind, body, and soul.

I don’t think, I just react.

Throwing my magic at it. My white flames filling the area.

The demon dodges my first flame but I quickly throw a second stream its way. Hitting its mark. The creature screeches in pain. It’s deafening to my ears. Causing me to falter and cover them.

I don’t know why but it certainly did not like being touched by my magic.

Anger flashes through the creature’s face. I prepare for another attack but it changes course.

Heading for Aeron.

I move but the creature is too fast. Dodging my magic once more.

Hearing Aeron hiss in pain, I look over. I see blood. His chest has been cut open. Three slashes mare his muscular chest.

He’s losing blood, too much blood.

He looks up at me. Our eyes meet and for the first time in a long time I am in fear. Fear of losing someone I care about.

It consumes me. I blast a gigantic amount of magic toward the demon. A wave of white flames and sparks of starlight with no hope of escape, as I run over to Aeron.

I take his arm and throw it over my shoulder. Placing my other hand on his stomach to help support him. Careful not to hit his wounds.

“Do you have the strength to teleport us?” I ask, remembering our previous encounters in the woods.

In a matter of seconds his magic engulfs us. A cloud of black smoke surrounds our bodies and we vanish. Reappearing in my chambers.



I’m too worried about Aeron to be concerned with why we are in my chambers. Or how he knows where my chambers are.

Helping him over to the bed. The only piece of furniture that will house him comfortably. Laying him down gently. Though I’m not sure that I am contributing all that much.

He groans in pain. Leaning back on my pillows. Blood is still flowing from his chest. His face looks pale.

We need to stop the bleed. Before I can do anything he says, “Do you have a needle and thread? You’ll have to patch me up.” He barely gets it out.

I sigh, knowing there is no need for a needle and thread. I sit on the edge of the bed. Thankfully his shirt is already gone. I hover my hands over his chest and concentrate on my magic. A white light glows and energy emanates from my palms. I can see the sparks of starlight fall from my hands and onto his chest. Seeping into his open wounds. I remove my hands and look at him.

He is staring down at his chest as well.