Lovely to see me?
Since when?
Nodding, I say, “And you, King Elio.”
We both stop at the top of the stairwell, facing one another.
He glances down at me, “Shouldn’t you be at breakfast with Saphrina and the other guests?”
Shouldn’t he?
“I was in the training hall with Christopher and didn’t realize how late the hour was getting this morning. I was heading to my chambers to change before making an appearance this morning.”
His eyes scan my body, pursing his lips slightly and shifting his mouth to the side. “Nonsense, you look fine. Besides, this is not a formal gathering.”
My brows furrow, coming together slightly. This doesn’t make any sense. There have been times when I was not allowed to attend adinner because I was not formal enough. “Are you sure, Your Grace? I am in my everyday leathers.”
“Yes, of course.” He hums, “May I escort you?” He asks, waiving a hand, gesturing down the staircase.
I look down towards his hand. Slowly moving my eyes back up to his. This is not normal. But with everything going on right now I can’t afford to object. Smiling, my best smile, “ How could I refuse?” I say shrugging my shoulders slightly.
We walk side by side. Shoulders almost grazing one another. One step to either side and we’d be knocking into one each other. I’ve never been this close to him.
Well, I shouldn’t say never. I was this close to him the night my Mother died. The night I aimed my blades at his throat and threatened to kill him.
* * *
Entering the dining hall was not what I was expecting. There are no nobles. Only royals and myself. The head seat of the table is empty. Presumably left open for King Elio. While Saphrina and Prince Proteus sit to the left and King Charon and Queen Ayla to the right. Prince Aeron is there as well, sitting next to Queen Ayla. I suppose, I am meant to sit across from him.
“Sorry for the delay.” King Elio says, taking our seats.
Prince Aeron’s eyes were on me from the moment I walked into the room. I could feel them in an instant. Refusing to look in his direction. Not wanting to expose a desire in myself I have yet to even confront.
There is utter silence in the room except for the sound of silverwarehitting glass, until King Charon asks, “So, what is on the agenda for today?”
I look up and to my right. Waiting for someone else to inform me of what I am expected of today.
Saphrina clears her throat. Swallowing down her last bit of food. “Dinalia and I were going to go to the modiste. She does not have enough formal attire for all the celebration activities. And my Father has graciously offered to pay for the expense.” she says, placing a hand on King Elio’s forearm that rests on the table.
We smile at each other through Prince Proteus that sits between us. “Though she will have to change out of her leathers. The modiste is still a high class establishment.” Saphrina continues.
“Too tired to change after our sparring match?”
I whip my head towards Aeron. The arrogance in his comment is baffling.
“You sparred with Prince Aeron this morning?” King Elio asks.
“Yes, I was already in the training hall with Christopher when he and Saphrina arrived.”
“And what were you, Saphrina, doing with Prince Aeron?” King Elio’s tone is calm but stern.
Everyone else looks at Saphrina but me. I look at King Elio. I don’t trust him. I never have and I never will. He uses people like pawns on a chess board. If Saphrina is stepping out of line and risking the alliance, who knows what he will do to her. And I will not make the same mistake as I did with my Mother. I will be there to protect her at all costs from anyone, regardless of title.
Saphrina is silent for a moment. Unsure of how to proceed. I see her glance between her Father, Prince Aeron, and Prince Proteus. “He was in Mother’s garden this morning. I found him there instead of Dinalia. He offered to escort me to breakfast. So we went in search of Dinalia and that is when we found her in the training hall.”
My eyes shoot straight to Aeron. What was he doing in my Mother’s garden? How would he even know about it? Granted, it is all dead now except for my small patch of flowers I’ve been able to grow. But no one ever goes there. No one except Saphrina or myself. It’s not much but it’s one of the few places that I hold dear and if he has disturbed it in any way I will make him suffer.
He’s leaning on his elbow. Slumped off to the side in his chair. Hand resting just below his perfectly formed lips. His deep sapphire eyes are still drawing me in. The same way they always have.