We lock our blades again. Staring directly into each other’s eyes. Though our height difference makes that a little difficult.
He pushes against me hard. Forcing me to stammer backwards. Feet away, neither of us relenting. Determination in both of our eyes.
It’s time to finish this.
I charge towards him and he does the same. I smirk at him, knowing this is about to end. Using my size to his disadvantage, I slide across the floor onto my back. Right in between his legs. Untwisting the handle of my double edged sword in the act. Not even giving him the opportunity to process what just happened. Leaping to my feet in a matter of seconds. I stand behind him. Pointing my blades directly at his back before he can turn around. He can feel the tip of them grazing his tunic.
Freezing. Arm and sword still in the air.
“Do you concede?” I ask, lifting my chin.
He laughs, “Impressive. Yes, I concede.”
I drop my blades. Taking in some much needed deep breaths. He turns to me. Though I am not able to read his face.
Smiling, flashing his perfectly straight and white teeth, “Mastered indeed.”
Saphrina and Christopher join us. Christopher stands next to me. Giving me a well earned smile. Pride on his face for giving me my start.
“Shall we make our way to breakfast, Prince Aeron?” Saphrina says.
“Yes, of course Princess.” He hands Christopher his sword. Assuming he will put it away.
They begin to exit the training hall. Saphrina stops, turning back to me, “Dinalia, will you be joining us for breakfast?”
I smile at her, “Yes, I will be there momentarily.”
She nods at me. Turning back towards Aeron. As they take their leave.
I don’t know why but my heart seems to sink at the sight of them together.
“Well, done. For a moment I thought he might get the better of you.” Christopher says from across the room. Putting the sword Aeron used away.
“You doubted me?”
“Not your abilities but your focus. Something changed in your eyes when you faced him.” He’s not looking at me but I can just see his brow rising as if he was standing right in front of me. “Care to share?”
I look at the entryway where Aeron and Saphrina just departed. Feeling the wound on the inside of my lip that Aeron just gave me. “There’s nothing to share.”
Istare down at the patch of black dahlias in the garden. Curious as to how they got there.
The black dahlia is indigenous to the Shadowlands. There is little vegetation that grows there. Only grass and shrubs spread across our lands. The trees that grow in the Forest of Despair look dead from their very first sprout. No leaves. Dry and dull colored bark. The only plant we do have in abundance is the black dahlia. To fill our lands with despair and sadness. Representing our brutality, flourishing throughout our lands.
They should not be here.
The flowers are beautiful of course. Their deep coloring. Their myriad of petals. Each is different and unique. But all have the same mesmerizing coloring as Dinalia’s eyes.
“What are you doing out here?”
I turn around. Looking at the voice that just came from behind me.
Princess Saphrina stands there. Dressed in another light pink gown. Though not near as lavish as the one she was wearing yesterday.
She has a small smile on her face. Eyes bright, ready for the day. Half of her hair is pulled back. Perfect ringlets, somehow giving theappearance that not a hair is out of place. Fingertips fidgeting against one another in front of her stomach. She’s wearing a small headband tiara. I can see the tiny diamonds and gemstones twinkling from here. She is quite beautiful. A different kind than Dinalia. Softer, more welcoming presence about her. After seeing the late Queen Freya the evening she died it’s as if she split her two forms between her daughters.