“Yes, as is a requirement of staying in my kingdom, you must marry of noble birth. I want to know who.”
“Who is to say I wish to stay in your kingdom. Middle Kingdom noblemen are not the only ones here. There are plenty of Celestial Realm nobles here as well. But marriage is not a requirement to reside in the Celestial Realm.”
He seems to laugh at himself, “You think since your sister is to marry into the royal family you will be welcomed into their realm? Without someone of substance by your side no realm will welcome you. Nor would they allow you to stay.”
“You act as if every ruler knows every single soul that resides in their realm but they don’t. You don’t. You only know the wealthiest nobles or anyone who might be of some use to you.”
“Fair point.” He steps closer to me. Leaning down so his lips are practically touching my ear. “But your features are so jarring, do not think word will not spread even from the most remote villages.”
Then he does the most obscure thing. He takes a deep breath. As if he is inhaling my scent. I can hear it.
“What are you doing?” I question.
He leans back up. “Oh, nothing. I was just imagining what kind of life you might have in one of the three realms.”
“And what if I don’t?” He gives me a curious look. “What if I don’t stay in the three realms? I leave and go make a new life across the seas.”
He laughs aloud at that. “With what means? You have no money, no name. Just your fighting abilities, magic, and… looks.”
I turn my head away. He is right but I will never admit it to him.
“Unless, you intend to seduce someone across the seas with your exotic appearance.”
“I am not a whore nor do I intend to seduce anyone. I have three months to figure it out. It is only the first night of the celebrations.”
He places a hand on my shoulder. Why is he touching me? He’s never laid a hand on me other than when he almost choked me earlier today. Rubbing his thumb over it at first. Almost gentle. Soothing. But then it changes. He grips it, hard. Pulling me forward just an inch. Emphasizing what he’s about to say.
“See that you do figure it out. Regardless of where you go. Be sure you get out of my castle where I will never have to endure you again.”
I clench my jaw. Taking in slow breaths to remain calm. What have I ever done, for him to loathe me so much?
We are just staring at each other. His hand is still on my shoulder when King Charon returns. “Ready?”
King Elio removes his hand. His stature so much wider than my own the action would not have been seen by King Charon. “Yes, of course,” King Elio says flatly, turning away from me.
I turn away intent on distancing myself. Heading around the room to enter from the side again. “Lady Dinalia,” King Elio calls out.
I freeze, “Yes, Your Grace?”
“You shall make an entrance as well. Enter in after Princess Saphrina and myself.”
“Without an escort?” I gawk at him.
“Come now. You’ve always been so confident and sure of yourself.”
Have I now?
“This will be a perfect opportunity to showcase yourself.”
What is he playing at?
“Excellent!” says King Charon “Too long has the ward of King Elio hidden away in the shadows. I remember when you first came to us. Your Mother’s plea and love for you always stuck with me. I am sorry we could not have offered more. But King Elio, love at first sight, eh? Swept you and your Mother off to his kingdom, striking the strongest alliance the three realms have ever seen.”
I smile at him. “Yes, King Elio is so gracious.” I say throughgritted teeth and a strained smile on my face.
Saphrina approaches, with Prince Proteus and Queen Freya. Seeing the strained look on my face. She gives me a worried look in return. I shake my head only enough for her to see. She nods slightly at me. Signaling we will talk later.