Page 65 of Scars and Burns

With a small laugh, he says, “No, King Elio, my Father is very much alive. Just not well enough to attend. I do hope you are not offended by my presence.” He places a hand over his chest and bows his head, portraying sincerity.

He looks over to Saphrina and gives her a smile. It takes all of my will power not to roll my eyes. Of course he would look at her.

Saphrina has always been beautiful. Ever since the day she was born. She has captured everyone’s eye with her perfect ivory skin, long blonde hair, and demantoid garnet eyes. She has flourished into one of the most gorgeous young Fae. Taking after our Mother. Her beauty is beyond compare.

I don’t know why I feel a sense of jealousy. I guess you could call it jealousy. I have no claim to him, nor him to me. Perhaps the interactions between us meant more to me than they did to him.

Of course they did. He lied to me from the very start. He cannot be trusted. He was playing with me the whole time. Stringing me along for what reason I can only guess. But it won’t work. I won’t allow him to fool me again.

King Elio clears his throat, “No, of course not. You are very welcome here. So glad the Shadowlands are accepting of the union and alliance between us and the Celestial Realm. We shall see you all later this evening for the Welcome Masquerade Ball.” He claps his hands together, “Dismissed.”

I lead the way out. King Elio and Saphrina followed behind me. The exact same way we came in.

Saphrina leaves us first. Needing to go change and prepare for the Welcome Masquerade Ball. “Meet me in my chambers and we can find a mask for you to wear.” She says to me. I nod at her, ensuring I will see her in a moment.

I head down the hall towards my chambers when my arm is gripped.Harder than it should have been. Manhandled, I am being dragged down an empty stairwell into the shadows. A passage even the servants don’t use.

I’m thrown up against the wall. I am just about to unleash my magic on my abductor when my throat is caught and I peer into the eyes of King Elio.

He has me pushed up against the stone. His forearm pressed hard into my windpipe. Seething with anger.

Through gritted teeth, he spits out, “What did I say? Uh? I have been very generous to you. Allowing you to enter my kingdom, to stay after your Mother died. And now, I am giving you the opportunity to use the title of Lady - I have bestowed upon you - to find you a husband. Under one condition. No Shadowlands. And what do you do? You go and capture the attention of none other than Prince Aeron. How does he know blood for blood? What did you say to him? Have you met him before? What are the two of you planning?”

I grab hold of his hand. Bare skin is all I need. Bringing my magic to life. I burn him. His skin turning black and frosting over. I could heel it but I don’t think I will.

He yanks his hand free of my grasp. Releasing me at the same time. I gasp for air.

Before he can make another move towards me physically or with his own magic. I restrict him with mine. I push him back up against the opposite wall with a wave of energy. Coiling my flames around his throat, being sure not to burn him. Giving him a taste of what he just did to me. Cutting off his airways.

Shock and astonishment plasters his face.

Nothing butpowerin my tone, “I have no plot or allegiance with the Shadowland Prince. I do not know how he knows blood for blood or where he might have heard it from. I’m more curious about what blood for blood means for you, King Elio. Why would he say it toyou in that manner? I saw the look in your eyes after he did. What areyouhiding?”

I release him from my magic. He gulps in air just as I did.

Rubbing his throat, he begins, “I’m sure your Mother informed you of blood for blood.”

I nod.

“Well, she is the only one I have ever heard it from. It could mean a multitude of things.”

“Mmmhmmm, right, and what does it mean to you?” I ask, though not willing to give up the upper hand on what I know.

“I was worried. Prince Aeron has a great deal of power. Some say he is the most powerful Fae to exist. If he has killed his Father, regardless of them coming in peace. There would be nothing and no one to stand against him.”

“So why come to me? Why question me?”

King Elio falters for a moment, “I was just concerned for the look he gave you.”

“Concerned? Since when have you ever been concerned for me?”

He sighs, standing at his full height again, “You are right. I have never cared for you. But make no mistake you do have power and I will not hesitate to kill you, shall you decide to align yourself with him.”

I huff. He has got to be kidding me. “You really think I would align myself with the Shadowlands? After all they’ve done? Raiding my village, my home, forcing me to come here and endure you and your righteousness. Only for them to lay waste to your Castle, infiltrating it soeasily, killing my Mother in the process, along with Cookie. Taking the only good things in my life from me in a single night. Are you so blind? So consumed by your own pride and vanity project to wed Saphrina to Prince Proteus.”

We just glare at one another. We have never been close but enemiesis a harsh way of putting our relationship. We have remained cordial and civil with one another though. The few interactions we do have are met with tension. Neither of us bother to hide the disgust for the other.

Though, mine is far more subtle. Given that he is the King after all.