I’m looking out the window. Glancing down at the people we’ve helped. The work and time we’ve put into ensuring they have a future. Showing them I am more than the killer and rumors they have heard.
I feel like my Father. Looking down at his people. But withcompletely different viewpoints. He who is cruel, not caring for his people in any regard. Disposable and easily replaced. He sits up in his castle so distant from his kingdom. Willing to let anything and anyone suffer if it means getting what he wants.
The people of his kingdom follow and serve him out of fear. I have earned their loyalty. Their respect.
I do not stand for disrespect though. They all bow when I enter and walk past them. Providing me with the respect I deserve as heir to the throne. Still not shying away from torture to those who’ve earned it. I am still formidable and my reputation does not slip their minds. As none of them actually know who I am. Just that I am better than my Father.
“Your Grace?” Aemond tries to get my attention again.
I do not take my gaze away from the window, as I say, “I did it.” Trying to keep my tone flat.
“You killed her?” The shock in his voice is clear. “You killed Lady Dinalia?”
Aemond knew I was tasked with killing Lady Dinalia. Although, he does not know the true root of it. Like most in the army he figured her death is part of the larger plan of my Father’s to engulf the world in darkness.
“No, I did not kill her.”
“So… so what did you do?” His tone is suspicious.
“I bested my Father’s magic” I say, turning towards him. His eyes gape open. This is the moment in my life we have been waiting for. The last hurdle I needed to overcome for us to be ready to overthrow my Father.
“What happened? How did it happen? When did it happen?”
My shoulders are incredibly tense. The muscle in my jaw hurt from clenching it.
I have to tell him. He should know. Our plans are about to becomea reality. And if we are going to succeed. He needs to be aware of the turmoil inside of me.
His future King.
“The right motivation is what happened.”
His brows furrow. Clearly, confused about what suddenly empowered me to almost kill my Father. “Care to elaborate on that?”
I give him a small smile. He respects me more than anyone else ever has. Always using a title, even after he found out about my disinheritance. He also has become a good friend, my only friend really. But he’s grown into a brother. We banter like we’ve grown up and known each other our whole lives.
“Yes, I would but not sober.” I walk over and sit in front of the fire. He grabs two glasses and a fresh bottle of whiskey. Sets them on the table and pours each of us a glass. Handing one to me. He leans back in his chair. A look of curiosity and amusement on his face.
I take the glass and throw it all back in one gulp. Giving him a look of warning. A look that jests and says ‘don’t be an ass’. “If you are going to know. You’ll have to know it all.”
He doesn’t even falter. He simply leans forward and refills my glass.
I give a weak laugh. He’s never shied away from anything I’ve had to say to him.
Sighing, I start from the beginning. Telling him of the two females I let live during a raid. How my Father found out and slashed my leg open. How I was then found by Queen Freya and she healed me. Finding out she knew my Mother. Leading me to question my lineage. My attempt to confront my Father about it but not before he disowned me. My everyday of torture since. The weapons and dark magic training I endured at the hands of my Father. My curious mind about Dinalia over the years. The assumption that she would be the one I was killing. Only to find Queen Freya, content on dying. Come to discover my Mother is alive, or was alive until that nightwhen my Father killed her. Informing him of the journals I was given. The interaction I witnessed between Queen Freya and King Elio. The power she showed. King Elio murdering her. My change in perspective of Dinalia after seeing her covered in blood. The rage and darkness I saw in her eyes. Seeing her complete goddess mark. My Father, informing me he knew my Mother was alive all this time. Reassuring me I am nothing more than a pawn in his game. Using me as he sees fit. Sending me away and doing his bidding. The rage rushing through me as I threw my magic at him. I tell him about how it didn’t matter at first. He still turned my own magic against me. Wrapping me with his flames, burning my skin again. I recall to him the searing pain of his shadow magic over taking my body. Feeling it begin to consume my mind. But then somehow finding a strength inside of me I never had before. The tables turn. I coil him in my magic. Restricting his limbs, his body, his airways. My magic begins to infest his mind. I tell him about finding my Father’s soul.
Having a small laugh together to find that he actually has one. I could have done it. I could have taken his soul. Ripped it apart piece by piece until there was nothing left. But I didn’t.
Telling him about how my Father was smiling at the end of it. Smiling at the fact that I could have killed him. Satisfied that I finally countered his magic. Staring down at my complete Goddess mark, now on my sternum. Giving me leave to go. Using my title for the first time in over a decade.
I pause. He’s staring at me. No clear expression on his face. Waiting to hear if there is more.
Sighing, I might as well tell him about my interaction with Dinalia. I can’t resist her. The depth I see in her eyes. The rage and darkness inside of her that I’ve witnessed. There is something inside of her that calls to me. A pull to her I’m not sure I want to resist.
Informing him of finding her in the forest. Her accusation andassault to me. My draw to her and the desire I hold.
I stare into the fire. Its flames illuminating my face. Gulping down my entire glass. I take the bottle and refill my drink. Returning my gaze to the swirling flames.
I can feel his eyes spearing into me. Contemplating what I just told him.