Page 134 of Scars and Burns

“Yes, we must. But we are not allies. This will be used to my advantage.” I break the bonds that restrict him. “Thankfully, Prince Proteus has already beaten you enough that I won’t have to.” I grip his arm, transporting us to the throne room.

“Why are we here?”

“So Dinalia will find us. And you can die in the very hall that is meant to emulate your power.”

“What makes you think she will come looking for me? She doesn’t care about me. And how would she even know to come here.”

I walk up the steps, turn around and sit upon his throne. Making myself comfortable. “Because she has a curious mind and she will not accept Prince Proteus blindly saying the raid is from the Shadowlands, not after what has transpired between us. She will find us. She will find me.”

King Elio shrugs, “So, not what?”

“Now, King Elio, we wait.”

* **

She’s here. I felt her the moment she walked through the side door.

She’s listening.

It’s time. Time, she knew the truth.

I look down at King Elio on his knees, “Look where our actions have brought us, King Elio.”

He smirks up at me, “You sit on my throne. Why? When you have your own to warm.”

“At least you and your daughter are still alive.”

“For now.” He doesn’t know Prince Proteus intends to cast her aside and when he does. He will not be alive to witness the betrayal.

“Yes, for now. But neither of you will die by my hand or my people.”

“Why? Because you think since you and Dinalia bear the same Goddess mark you are fated. You two together will bring about the world we all dream of. The world prophesied?”

He mocks me. Thinks since he lost the only woman he ever loved, the one he chose to make his mate did not love him in return, the Goddess does not bless us with mates anymore. For how could I receive a mate and not the great King Elio.

He doesn’t know what it means to not have a whole soul of your own. To have a piece of you missing. A piece you didn’t even know was gone until they are presented in front of you. Walking your whole life ashamed and out of step with the rest of the world.

“I would leave the world prophesied to burn for all eternity if it meant I could spend a lifetime with her.”

King Elio laughs. Well, an attempt at a laugh. He’s already been beaten pretty badly. “You hold such hope for the life you might share together. But does she know?”

Anger flashes through me.

“Tell me, Prince Aeron, does Dinalia know? You have gone to her since so gallantly saving her from my assault, I’m sure. Enraptured with one another but have you given her the opportunity to knowyour true self? That you were there the night her Mother died and you did nothing!”

She does now.

“She will know in time. I will present her with the one who killed her Mother. The one responsible for his Queen’s death.”

I feel her heart begin to race at the news. She emerges from her hiding spot behind a pillar. Her demeanor is dark. Rage and anger evident in her stance. Seething with the knowledge that has just been presented. My cock jerks at the site of her. She’s covered in splatter blood, blades drawn. That’s my estrella.

“How dare you. Both of you. Discussing my future. Exchanging secrets that involve me, my Mother, my life!”

I look at her with a blank expression. This is not how I envisioned us coming to terms but her vengeance towards the murder of her Mother, towards King Elio, will outweigh her anger towards me.

She’s pointing a blade at each of us. But I know deep down that she could not harm me.

Because I could never harm her.