“There you are,” Killian sighs with relief as he reaches us. “The band just announced speeches and of course, you two went missing.”

“I was looking for Liam,” Madison hisses defensively.

Without another word, she takes her place next to Lexi as I take mine next to Con.

Everyone balled their eyes out at Madison’s speech whereas they nearly pissed themselves listening to mine. Con claps me on the back and Lexi snags Madison closer by the waist as we take a group picture.

The flash of the camera has my eyes all fucked. Madison starts to walk away, heading towards the bar. I start to follow her when my phone vibrates in my pocket. I take a peek, smiling at the person lighting up my screen. Quickly, I type out a response before sliding my phone back into my pocket and catch up to Madison.

She is leaning a hip against the bar and slowly sipping a glass of Prosecco. Her eyes slowly scan the crowd that is now making their way to the dance floor.

The music picks up speed at the same time the band requests for everyone to join the couple. Madison downs her drink and walks off towards the tent’s exit. I snatch her arm, pulling her into me and spinning her into the crowd.

Her gasp turns into a smile, then a giggle as I place my hands on her hips, getting her to sway them. “Come on, Mad. Loosen up. Don’t go sit on the beach and wallow. Diego would want you to enjoy tonight.”

“It feels selfish of me to. He’s doing God knows what in a cell and I’m supposed to be over here drinking and being merry?”

“Yes. Life is too short to stay miserable. You taught me that. Now let me see what you’ve got. Cause I’ve seen you dance and this is pitiful,” I provoke her.

Mikayla comes over to us as well as Lexi and Con. We all throw our hands in the air and sway to the music, letting all our worries slide off our shoulders.

At least for tonight.

Dinner plates are removedfrom the tables as more and more people head for the bar. Liam slides his chair back, tossing his napkin down. He stands abruptly, extending a hand towards me.Not this again. I can’t take any more dancing.

“The photo booth is open. Let’s take a picture. Maybe I can get Lindsay to send it to Diego.”

“That’s cruel, Liam,” I reprimand, even though I smack my palm into his.

His fingers curl around mine, guiding us to the table in front of the booth. All different props and signs are spread out. Liam grabs a sign that says ‘I’m here for the drinks’. I decide on #MatronofHonor. Simple but classic. All the other ones are for couples…

The guy working the camera gives us a quick overview. We step into the booth—which is more of an open space with lights and a giant tablet that captures the pictures. Liam presses the button and the front-facing camera begins counting down from ten. Liam throws his arm over my shoulder and holds up his sign. I smile and hold up mine. As we get to five Liam jumps out of the frame.

In complete confusion, I turn to look at him, wondering what the hell he’s up to.

A hard body replaces Liam’s from behind me. A body I knowoh so well.I spin around in shock. Ocean eyes full of triumph greet mine as the timer chimes. His smile broadens as my eyes widen in disbelief.

“Told you I’d be back,Mariposita,” he purrs, the words dripping off his lips like honey.

And then his lips are on mine.

Devouring me. Consuming me. Thrilling me.

Clicks go off around us as the pictures are snapped. Diego raises his hand, seemingly holding a sign. I can’t bother to tear my lips from his to see what it says.

It has to be at least a minute later that Liam’s chuckles interrupt us. We break away, still clinging to each other as he approaches us. His tattooed hand extends to offer us the picture.The Bone Breakerand I lean forward to look at the sequence of my reactions in each frame.

Props to Liam for planning this.That’s who he was talking to earlier.

“I must say improvising this worked out perfectly. I originally had him meeting us on the dance floor. This one definitely takes the cake,” Liam muses.

My eyes linger on the last frame. Diego is proudly holding a sign that says ‘MINE’. The feral part of me stirs at those words.His. In this lifetime and those that follow. This man truly is all mine. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out my wedding ring. Gentle fingers grip my left hand as he slides it onto my finger.

“Back where it belongs,” Diego states proudly.

“You are back where you belong,” I croak through the tears, pulling him back to me.

I lay my head on his chest as his arms come out to rock me back and forth. Liam looks down at us. The proud smile he issporting sayseverythingabout who he really is. He put his pride and hurt aside to get Diego back for me.