“Nothing other than your father asking me where Diego has been.”

“Shit. Please tell me you avoided that as best you could?”

“Actually, your sister did. She interrupted us and pulled your father away for a family picture.” He laughs, knowing how persistent my sister can be.

“Thank God. Okay, let’s try and keep him off our radar,” I sigh with relief.

He nods his agreement before extending a hand. “Dance with me?” I look around at the rest of the couples who have now joined our future, Mr. and Mrs. Hayes.

“Okay,” I agree, accepting his hand and letting him lead me through the crowd. He finds a spot next to Lex and Con, bumping into them to grab their attention.

“How’s it going? You guys enjoying your rehearsal dinner?” Liam asks.

“It’s everything and more. We can’t thank you both enough for all the work you’ve put into this,” Lexi gushes.

“Seriously, thank you,” Conor adds, slapping Liam’s shoulder.

“It was our pleasure,” Liam and I say in unison before laughing.Always in sync—that hasn’t changed.

An hour later, dinner is served. Everyone is raving about it. Luckily, Diego’s chef was able to rally her good friends—who are also experienced chefs—to help with the catering. Lainey fucked us over in so many ways.

So many ways that’s had my blood boiling all night. Liam notices my shift in drunkenness and irritability and pulls up a chair next to me. When Diego isn’t around to stir up old feelings and jealousy, Liam can be the sweetest man. I wish he was always like this. I hope that after the dust settles a bit, we can go back to being the way we were—minus the romance.

His tattooed arm lands on the back of my chair. He leans on the other one which he has propped up onto the wooden dining table. The white sleeves of his dress shirt are rolled up and the top two buttons of his shirt are popped open. I smile knowing he couldn’t help himself. He brings his glass of water to his lips to take a sip. That’s another thing I noticed since our argument. He’s been drinking far less, sticking mainly to soda, water, or beer. I can’t recall him having whiskey or any mixed drinks these last few days.

“I don’t want to get your hopes up, but there is a chance you may get to speak to Diego tomorrow after the wedding. Lindsay asked when our next,” he air quotes, “get together” would be. I told her after the wedding would be easier. Fewer prying eyes, more people drunk and not paying attention to who is coming back to my room with me.”

I place my hand over his forearm and shift my body, leaning in closer to whisper. “You don’t have to let her use you like that to help me out. I can’t ask that of you.” My eyes search his for the truth. But what I get in return isn’t what I expected.

His smile grows as he takes another sip of his drink. “She’snot using me. I’ve always enjoyed our time together. We are the no bullshit type. No emotions, no bullshit. Just straight up dirty sex. You wouldn’t be asking this of me, I’m completely willing.”

“Ahh. I see. Well, I hope she feels the same cut-and-dry way.”

“Sweetheart, there isn’t muchdrywhen it comes to me…you should know that.” He winks.

I roll my eyes dramatically. Seems things never really change, do they?

The wedding dayhas officially arrived. The groom and I stand under the archway set up on the beach. Guests from both sides and organizations are seated before us on wicker chairs. Purple fabric and a mix of flowers coil around the wooden semi-circle. Behind us, the sun is setting over the water, both appearing as if they were set on fire. The purples, pinks, and oranges add to the theme.


Con is fidgeting with his bow tie, cursing every time it is the slightest bit crooked. I approach him, smacking his hand out of the way and adjusting it until it's straight.

“Deep breaths, brother. The lass is obsessed with you. There is zero chance of her having cold feet.” I grip his shoulders and lightly shake him.

He nods appreciatively. “I’ve never wanted anything more in life than I do her. I can’t believe she is going to be my wife in a few short minutes.”

His dark eyes desperately search the staircase leading down from the pool where the bridal party will start their processional. I follow his line of sight, spotting Madison at the top, waiting for the music to cue her descent. She looks insanely beautiful in herform-fitting purple gown. Elegant satin hugs her curves in all the right places while still remaining respectful. That iridescent hair of hers shimmers with the last rays of the sun on the horizon. Dark charcoal lines her eyes as a spiderweb of black lashes adds to her seductive look. Her long purple locks are styled wavy and collected to one side, the gentle breeze catching it.

I can’t stop staring.

I. Just. Can’t.

I will always find Madison in a room.

The soft melodic music of the orchestra starts, alerting Madison it’s time to begin her journey down the stairs and down the aisle. She raises her bouquet, holding it out in front of her stomach, and smiles as she glides down them. There is murmured chatter, likely her family admiring her beauty.

I smile at her encouragingly, knowing behind that smile is a ball of nerves.Can’t blame her. Her family is here, watching her every move. Her husband is in Federal custody. And her best friend is about to marry the love of her life. She’s put so much into helping plan this. I know she wants this day to go off without a hitch.