I end the call, placing my phone on my chest while resting my head on the pillow. There is this calming sense of peace surrounding me. A few days ago there was uneasiness and even downright dread for having to conceal my feelings and emotions involving Madison. Today, there is clarity. Excitement for what's to come rolls off my shoulders. We can get through it together.
I just need to open up.
The Zippo sparks,lighting the final candle placed around my bedroom. It’s a fucking fire hazard with the amount of candles I have lit. The ambiance is set, my mood is brighter than it has been in days, and my appetite is voracious.
The smell of the Italian food wafts through the air as I begin taking the containers out of the paper bags. I set up two bed tray tables with plates and cutlery. A bucket of champagne is on ice between us. The television is already set to our favorite show. All I need to do is press play.
“Liam, this is beautiful.” Lainey looks around, admiring my attempt at a romantic date night.
“I tried,” I shrug, a bashful smirk tugging at the corner of my mouth.
“It’s perfect,” she sighs her contentment as her hand lands on my thigh.
We have our backs against the pillows propped up on the headboard. I press play and the theme song ofSons of Anarchyfills the flickering space. Lainey dives into her food, moaning her contentment. This is her favorite dish—which I had discovered the night after our first hookup.
She had come to my room for another quick round. Fourorgasms later…and it was safe to say we were starved. I placed the order after she ranted and raved about how amazing the gnocchi was. And I have to agree. It has easily become one of my top five favorite pasta dishes.
Every Thursday after, it turned into a routine thing we did together. That was our Friday, considering I typically was called to spend the weekends in Connecticut. Lain and I would watchSonsand enjoy our sourdough bread and pasta dishes. Always finishing off with dessert and a few orgasms. The nights we worked late she would slip into my room, cuddling up for one episode before we passed out from exhaustion.
It meant more to me than I gave it credit for at the time. We fell into a beautiful routine that ended abruptly because I needed to explore my feelings for Madison.
“Lain.” I press pause on the show, swiping a napkin over my lips. I angle my body towards her.
“I’m sorry for putting you through all this. I never meant to make this feel like a trial run or that you were being pushed to the back burner… but it seems like it came across that way. Madison and I deciding not to try again definitely gave me the clarity I needed to see just how special this is between us. I may not have given our connection the proper credit it deserved a few weeks ago.”
Tears pool in her lower lids. “Liam, it’s okay. Really. I told you to do this. To truly figure out your feelings. Can I ask what made you realize the two of you weren’t going to work out?”
I release a heavy sigh, fearful of her reaction. Her sage-green eyes greet mine with gentle concern. “We had a few moments where things got a little sexually charged. We never actually crossed that line, but we came close a few times. Each time we would, it was like this invisible barrier was forcing us apart. Maddy and I both felt that way, which led us to a collective conclusion that it was because of our other connections. I couldn’t get beyond it, always thinking of you and how it wouldhurt you—and how I didn’t want to fucking hurt you. Madison, she realized that what was stopping her was Diego, her feelings for him overpowering any chance of us rekindling our flame.”
Her dainty hand grips my bicep, giving it a sympathetic squeeze. “I’m so sorry, Liam. I’m sure it wasn’t easy accepting that.”
I bow my head, too much of a coward to look her in the eyes, knowing the raw pain of that truth would be seen reflecting back at me.
No. Madison said to let down my walls. I promised her.Godfuckingdammit.
My head snaps up, eyes peering into Lainey’s teary ones. When she notices my discomfort, she clasps my chin, letting her tears fall freely.
“Hey,” she soothes. “It’s okay. That’s life, Liam. It’s messy and complicated, but it’s beautiful all the same. You loved Madison. There is history between you two that no one can ever deny or replace. It is a deep wound that will heal over time. Look at Killian and Maddy now. They’ve moved past it over the years. You will find your way, at your own pace. All I can ask for is that you do what you just did there.” She gestures between us with her index finger before pressing it to my chest. “You give meyou. Even your vulnerable side. The one you have a hard time showing me. I’m here. Right here. And I’m not going anywhere.”
I lower our trays to the floor beside my side of the bed before pulling her to me. She snuggles in close, placing her hand on my chest before raising her chin to search my eyes. Lowering mine, I brush my lips against hers, softly claiming them. It’s a voiceless promise that I’m not going anywhere either.
I want to be here.
Right here where the world seems to slow, even for just a little while.
Rubbing her warm tears away with my thumb, I tuck her against my chest and press play.
My fingers tapalong the steering wheel as I wait for Madison. She wanted me to drop her off down the block but that wasn’t fucking happening. I dropped her sexy ass right off at the front of her father’s apartment complex. Her sister Mikayla peeked out the front window when we arrived like she had some sort of sixth sense of our arrival. Even though the windows are tinted, I felt her eyes directed on me the entire time.
The playlist I’ve selected has almost cycled through. It’s been about an hour and I’ll be honest. I’m becoming impatient. I’ve already gone through every scenario of how I want to take Madison tonight, and if I keep thinking about her, I’m going to need to cut her little get-together short.
But fuck…I can’t wait…
The feel of her silky smooth skin against mine… the little moans that slip past her lips as I slide into her… how her pussy clenches my cock… fuuuck. It feels like a lifetime has passed since I’ve had her.
My brain doesn’t catch up to my feet until my knuckles are rapping against the door.
Madison is the one to swing it open with wide eyes that turn serpentine.