“Oh, go to He—Heck.” I recover myself before the little kiddos can hear my potty mouth.
The assistant hands me the thick gloves as Diego sits behind me on the floor, bending his legs at the knee and pressing his front against my back. I sit cross-legged on the ground, my hands shaking violently.
Strong, confident,barehands cup around mine.
Steadying them.
Lending me some of his confidence.
“Let’s get our girl back,” he whispers over my shoulder. He lowers his chin to lean on it. “I overheard Liam talking to Conor about your fear of these little guys.”
Anger simmers under my skin knowing Liam was talking about me to Con. What I confessed last night wasn’t really a secret, but my words meant more than just fear over a scorpion. I’m sure it wasn’t malicious in intent. Still hurts all the same.
“Okay, try to stay still. He shouldn’t sting. I’ll be right here in case he tries to make a run for it. I just ask that you remain calm,” the Steve look-alike requests.
“You are trained to take down a full-grown man. This scorpion isn’t a threat unless you threaten it. It can sense your movements. Deep breaths,Mariposita,” he encourages. “Most times, fear becomes irrational when we let our minds create unlikely scenarios.”
The man in the tan khakis places the scorpion into my gloved palms. It twitches and crawls a bit, getting acclimated. Thankfully, it doesn’t make a move to scurry away.
Diego tightens his hands around mine, “Even if it does sting you, it feels like a bee sting and its venom won’t kill you. You’ve endured plenty worse than that.”
He’s right. I have. I study the creature in my hand, feeling slightly sympathetic for trying to kill its friend. At the thought of its kin, the scorpion reacts, bobbing its tail and opening and closing its pinschers.
Fuck. It’s like it knows what I was thinking.
Diego inches his body closer to mine, pressing his solid chest against my rigid back and pulling his arms in so they press firmly against mine.
“Don’t let your fear control you.Youcontrolit.Remove the spiraling thoughts and you can wrangle it in. Then youconquerit.”
With caution, he removes his hands from around mine after they cease their shaking. The scorpion doesn’t move. It stays completely still, as am I. All the tension I was holding starts to dissipate. This isn’t as bad as I had imagined.
After a few moments, the caretaker collects the scorpion and places it back in its enclosure. “How about a round of applause for this brave young lady.”
The tiny claps of the kids and the loud whistles Liam is giving off have me feeling proud of myself.
I did it.
Thanks to Diego.
And I guess Liam, too—for not babying me and letting me chicken out.
“Alright, everyone. We are going to take a fifteen-minute break and then we will be back with more animals for you to hold.”
Diego extends a hand and helps me up. He tugs me forward, slamming me into him and pressing a kiss to my temple. “I’m proud of you,Mariposita.”
The sweetest of smiles graces his face to reveal a dimple on his cheek. Which is something I only now noticed. He releases me from his embrace but his hand drops down to claim mine. Liam joins us as we head inside for some food.
“Did you know that scorpions spiritually represent embracing your fears in order to overcome them?” Diego starts. “It aids in your personal growth and serves as a reminder of how resilient you are. Your year in Arizona wasn’t a waste, Madison. It was yourscorpion. You may have felt bored or lonely, but it was all part of your journey. Part of rediscovering yourself. Coming home and embracing what you were running from—that shows how strong you are. Try to remove all the bullshit that’s enhancing your fears and focus on conquering it. When you do that, you’ll have the answer you’re looking for.” He shoots me a devastating smile, followed by a knowing wink.
I can’t help but stare at him in awe.
Hot and philosophical?
When we enter the kitchen, he kisses the top of my hand and releases it. “After the party, I have to fly to Miami. I have somebusinessto take care of,” he says vaguely.
“Will you be back tomorrow?” I ask, but it comes out whinier than what I was going for.