Diego breaks my reverie by tucking a strand of violet hair behind my ears. His fingers trace the butterfly tattoo I have there.
“Care for an espresso,Mariposita? You’re gonna need it with what I have planned for you…” Mint and coconut swirl around me as he leans over and lowers his lips to where his fingers once traced.
Goosebumps spring up on my skin as a low moan leaves my lips.
I will always have this reaction to this man.
“With you, I don’t need espresso. Your presence alone awakens every nerve ending and synapse inside of me,” I admit breathlessly.
“Well in that case…” He scoops me up and carries me the opposite way of the crowd, snatching a slice of wedding cake off a nearby table.
The Bone Breakercarries me all the way down the beach and up the dock. He boards his yacht and takes the elevator up to the top floor. When the doors open, he strides over to my reading room with minimal effort. Using his elbow, he nudges the door open and gently lays me down on the fur rug beneath the dome.
“Dessert for you,” he says, handing me the plate while scooping up a piece of decadent chocolate cake. The metal of the fork hits my teeth as he feeds it to me. His lips press against mine, stealing a kiss as his tongue licks the chocolate mousse off them. Firm hands start to bunch the satin fabric of my dress, impatiently pushing it up over my thighs. He hooks a finger into my panties and slides the matching lace to the side.
“And dessert for me,” he murmurs between my thighs.
I lie back and stare at the stars as pleasure washes over me.
For once, they don’t make me question everything.
I amexactlywhere I should be.
They say: ‘Lightning never strikes twice’...
Apparently—based on a quick web search–it can.
Multiple times. Usually, with things that are isolated and tall.
Like me.
This fact has me wondering if love can also strike you multiple times, changing the beat of your heart each time.
It couldn’t be possible to love two men at the same time? Could it?
Cold jelly hitsmy stomach as the white paper sheet crinkles below it. Diego squeezes my hand tighter, anxious about what will happen next. A wand is pressed down onto my swollen abdomen as the doctor spins the screen in our direction.
“Are you ready to know the gender of your baby?” she asks us, smiling from ear to ear.
Our doctor has been absolutely incredible. She has helped us through every heartbreak. Every loss. This entire IVF journey has been one stressor after another. Just when I thought Icouldn’t take it any longer and stopped all treatment, Diego and I fell pregnant naturally. We actually found out on our fourth wedding anniversary.Fifth,if you count our first wedding.
The second wedding was everything I could have ever wanted and more. We did it on the yacht again, this time surrounded by the love and support of our family and friends. I wore a similar dress and hairstyle, wanting to preserve the sweeter memories of that first night. Diego did the same, wearing a navy blue tuxedo and a smile that drove me wild.
We decided to marry off the coast of France and celebrated a week-long honeymoon on a vineyard Diego purchased for us. Our guests enjoyed the yacht and its amenities as we indulged in each other and plenty of wine.
I had my first positive pregnancy test when we came home. The two of us were over the moon excited. Unfortunately, a few weeks into the pregnancy I started to spot—ultimately leading me to the ER.
That was the start of our long fertility journey.
Ocean Eyessqueezes my hand as the mouse hovers over the anatomy of our child growing inside me.
“It’s a boy!” our doctor cheers.
Tears drip down my face as I sob into Diego. He hugs me tightly, placing a kiss on my lips before pressing kisses all over my belly. I stare at the screen, my eyes blurry from the salty tears. I rub the palms of my hands against them, clearing them.
“Hi, sweet boy. Mommy and Daddy love you so much. We can’t wait to meet you,” I coo.
Diego presses a tender kiss on my forehead. “We are going to have a son,” he says in awe.