When she finally reaches us, she shoots us another devastatingly beautiful smile. Honest to God, I think my heart stops for a minute.

Instead of a purple dress, I envision her in all white, walking towardsme.

Fuck. Why is heartbreak such a bitch?

She takes her place on the opposite side of the officiant, then shifts her gaze to the staircase where the rest of the bridal party continues to pour in. They take their respective sides, joining us in waiting to greet the bride. Conor shifts anxiously back and forth on his heels. My hand comes down on his shoulder to ground him.You’ve got this, mate.

The song ends, transitioning into a new one designed for the bride.

“If everyone will please rise for our bride?” the officiant requests of the crowd.

Alexis comes into view at the top of the stairs with her father linking arms with her. He’s teary-eyed as are many among us. Conor lets out an enamored sigh. His future wife looks stunning.

The white lace mermaid gown has her taking cautious baby steps down the stairs. Her father has a tight grip on her arm, making sure she’ll never fall. A delicate cathedral veil slinks down the aisle behind her as she moves closer to us. An elaborate bouquet is held steadily between her hands.This is a woman who knows exactly who and what she wants.

Baby-blue eyes are locked in on her betrothed. I swivel my head to look at Con who has tears pooled at the rims of his. Lexi’s father kisses her cheek and places her hand on Conor’s, who then takes it and places a kiss to the top of it.

“You look incredible, angel,” he whispers.

Lexi’s Dad takes a seat as she hands off her bouquet to a waiting Madison. The couple situates themselves in front of the officiant as Madison gently lowers the massive bouquet and smooths out Lexi’s dress and veil. The thin lace material covers the space like a sand dollar, curling around them.

The ceremony is short and sweet. No more than twenty minutes. Con and Lexi both agreed to remove a lot of the fillers that would cause the event to drag on. Our lovely couple recites their vows and places their wedding bands on each other’s respective ring finger.

“By the power vested in me by the State of Florida, and in the company of your near and dear, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride,” the graying man sings.

Conor grips her face and dips his wife in an elaborate kiss. The crowd hoots and hollers, whistling for our friends. Madison even cups a hand over her face and howls like a wolf. The excitement she is showing for her best friend is beautiful. Quite frankly, they are more like sisters than friends. The pair breaksapart and Madison hands Lexi her bouquet as Conor collects his wife’s hand in his.

“It’s my honor to introduce to you Mr. and Mrs. Hayes!” the officiant exclaims.

Claps and cheers ignite as The Hayes begin their walk back towards the pool area where cocktails and appetizers will be served. Flower petals are thrown into the air, falling on top of their ecstatic faces.

I couldn’t be happier for them.

Madison approaches my right and links her arm through mine. The party planner signals us to go next, followed by the rest of our bridal party. Photographers snap pictures as we walk down the aisle. Sadness and regret try to inch their way into my chest as we continue walking.How different things could have been. Madison, always sensing my anxiety, taps her fingers on my forearm that she's gripping.

“I know what you’re thinking. You’ll have a moment like this, Liam. I promise you,” she soothes.

Her sweet voice pushes the demons back down and places a lid on the box they came from. When we reach the stairs, I place my hand around her waist, supporting her and helping her up them. Those shoes she’s wearing, although gorgeous, are not designed for this sort of environment.

“There is a sandal station for later. Don’t worry. I won’t be wearing these all night.” And once again, the little witch reads my mind.

I run my hand up and down her back. “Do ya think they have my size?” I joke, glancing down at my shiny black dress shoes.

Sand has already found its way in.


“Are you still coming?”I ask into the phone. I’m over in the corner of the bar nursing a whiskey. I don’t plan on getting out of control drunk with grief tonight. Quite the opposite, actually. I’m enjoying a celebratory bottle Killian and I got for Con. It’s somewhat of a tradition in our family.

Madison comes out of nowhere, tugging my dress shirt. “We are going to miss speeches. Come on. Get your jacket on,” she tugs me off the stool, sounding irritated.

She shakes out my jacket I had on the stool next to me and holds it out for me to slip into. “Text me when you get here,” I clip into the phone before hanging up and depositing it into my pants pocket.

Madison raises a dark eyebrow as I begin buttoning the tux jacket. “Hot date?” she inquires.

“Something like that,” I clip.

Maddy sighs heavily as she pulls me back towards the beach where the tent is set up. “Is it Lindsay? I don’t want her stirring shit up at our best friends’ wedding.”