“We’re in Miami, and you guys chooseTaco Bell?” he jokes, taking a seat next to Madison and playfully nudging her in the ribs. “I love a good Crunchwrap, too—don’t tell anyone,” he whispers.
“Your secret is safe with me.” Maddy cracks another smile while finishing up her meal.
Antonio laces his hands together, placing them on the wood table. “I’ve got some good news. The Greek Coast Guard agreed to testify about their recent findings. They believe the explosion was caused by a bomb Geraldo planted. He was there to sabotage the wedding, wanting to eliminate anypossiblethreat to his reigning power. The officiant has also been kind enough to offer a statement saying Geraldo had threatened to take his life if he didn’t lie about his involvement in the explosion.”
“And the rest of Diego’s crimes? How are we going to get past him lying to the world about his death?”
“On paper he did flatline. So that’s the truth. We can spin it to look like he went into hiding after that, afraid his uncle was still alive after the explosion and he wanted to try and protect you…” Killian proposes.
“I already have my lawyer reviewing all our paperwork. He’sgoing to do a Skype meeting with us tomorrow afternoon to help solidify the angle we are taking,” I state.
Madison’s gaze reaches mine, full of appreciation.You’re welcome, baby. Whatever I can do to help get that smile permanently back on her face, I will. I promised no matter our relationship status, she would always be mine to protect.
And that’s what I am doing—plus, I’ve come to enjoy the camaraderie Diego and I created.
As we sit around this table, the last two days filled with nothing but unease and tension, I suddenly am overwhelmed by a strong sense of family. A blended family, but a family nonetheless. We have all come together, allies or not, to help out Diego and Madison. This is what has been lacking in our group for the last year or so. I turn to look at my brother who is likely feeling the same way. He shoots me an understanding grin.
“It is all going to get sorted out. Diego will be back here soon enough,” I promise.
“I really hope so,” Madison says wearily. “When did you become so positive?” she jabs playfully.
“It’s called manifesting, Maddy.” I wiggle my fingers in the air for a spooky effect.
“Wow.” She crosses her arms over her chest, looking impressed with my use of spiritual jargon.
“You should get some sleep. We have our final fittings early tomorrow morning,” I remind her.
She stands, tossing her garbage into the brown bag. “That’s a good idea. I need to shower and attempt to sleep,” she agrees sadly.
“Want me to walk you up?” I offer.
“No, that’s okay. I’ll be fine. Danny is still waiting for you.” She nods to the living room where Danny is tattooing Lexi’s brother.
I almost forgot about my tattoo. Before the crazy unfolded, I planned on getting the Tree of Life tattooed on my back. Rightbetween my shoulder blades. The roots represent my past, my upbringing, and my romantic connections—specifically one.
Lifting my head, I spot Madison hugging Kil and Selena goodnight. She’s taught me so much. She keeps me grounded. Her influence in my life has had a huge effect on my spiritual growth and desire to keep pushing for more for myself. Even though there is heartbreak and a shit ton of it, there’s healing, there’s maturing, and strength through all of life’s unpredictable challenges. The Tree of Life is about accepting endings and embracing the new beginning.
How poetic is it that I have chosen to get it now, at this stage of my life? I have been planning on getting this tattoo for a while now. It’s as if fate required the lessons Madison taught me to truly embrace getting this inked into my skin. So I can truly live by the meaning of it. Its place at my back is a gentle reminder that my past is behind me. It’s time to look towards the future and stop looking back.
Stop looking at her to save me.
That doesn’t mean Madison can no longer be a part of my future—but that chapter of ‘us’ is closed. I am hopeful we can create a new version of what that means to us moving forward.
My phone rattlesthe nightstand next to me. I squint at the number on the screen.
“Hello, love,” I mumble.
The sheets screech as I lean up on my elbows. I slept on my stomach last night, allowing my new tattoo to breathe.
“If I told you I could get a phone call in with Diegoandbe in your bed in about an hour, what would you say?” she purrs.
My eyebrows raise at her boldness. She’s always been like this, but today she’s extra direct. I run a hand through my unrulyhair and stare up at the white ceiling. Below this navy blue sheet, my cock throbs with the thought of a quickie. All this pent-up stress could use a good outlet. The problem is, she wouldn't be able to touch my back—and she’s a scratcher.After a night with her, my back looks like a goddamn scratching post.
“I want the phone call to be with Madison. Then get your pretty arse over here so I can fuck you. On one condition…you promise to keep your hands on the headboard like a good little agent,” I growl.
“Diego will call this phone after I hang up. I’ll see you in an hour, handsome.”