“Seems that way,” I agree, unable to vocalize any real opinions. My mind is swimming with what ifs. He already proposed again.So what was this for?

A sniffle leaves me as tears rebuild.God, I am an emotional wreck tonight.

Liam pulls me into him. “It’s gonna be okay, Mad. He’s coming back,” he soothes, rubbing gentle circles over my arm.

I wish I could be as confident as he is right now. I nod my head against his chest.

Liam’s phone vibrates in his pocket. He releases me to grab it, placing the phone to his ear. “Ya?... I got her, she was on the yacht…” His dark eyes reach mine. There is contemplation there. “No, we’ll come to you… Alright, brother. See you soon.” Pressing a middle finger to the bottom of his phone, he ends the call before slipping the phone back into his pocket.

“That was Killian. He’s been looking for you too. He wanted to know if he should meet us up here… but clearly, this night didn’t go as planned for you and your man, I don’t want to tarnish what he was surprising you with by bringing the drama up here. Let’s head back?” he asks, stretching his hand out again.

I smile up at him. So hot and cold all the time. This is the sweet Liam I miss so much. I let my hand slide into his as we head back to the house.

Maddy’s handis clammy in mine as we reach Sel and Killian. They are sitting at the dining room table. A brown bag sits between them and two plastic cups are filled to the brim with Baja Blast.

“Taco Bell,” Madison voices my thoughts.

“Thought you could use some comfort food,” Sel says, patting the seat next to her.

Maddy joins her, leaning into her friend. “Thank you,” she sighs.

Sel pulls her in for a hug before opening the bag and divvying out the goods.Better be a Crunchwrap in there for my gir…for Mad.I need to work on that. It’s too easy to fall back into that feeling with her when we aren’t angry with each other.

As predicted, a Crunchwrap and a Chicken Chalupa slide across the table towards her. A wide smile grows on her face. This woman is obsessed with Taco Bell. Smart move, guys. I wink at Sel in appreciation.

“Okay. I spoke to Lindsay. She has Diego being held at their new location in Miramar. So he’s close, Madison. That’s good,” Killian announces before diving into his chicken quesadilla.

Madison takes a sip of her Baja Blast. “We need Antonio. Ineed to know what information he has that will help Diego’s case.”

“Already done,” I add behind a mouth full of steak burrito. “Antonio is en route as we speak.”

A relieved sigh leaves Madison’s lips before she goes in on her Crunchwrap. “Great,” she mumbles over the food.

Killian killed his quesadilla in a matter of seconds. Crinkling fills the room as he crumbles the wrapper in his hands and tosses it into the brown bag. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say we were all starved.Far from it. We’ve been eating well since the moment we got here Friday evening. Speaking of arrivals, Madison’s family is due to arrive on Wednesday in preparation of the wedding. Lex and Con are getting married on the beach this Thursday. The rehearsal dinner is also Wednesday night. All while the Feds are up our ass and Diego is missing from the events.

Madison’s father, Vincenzo Marrone, is a man of his word. If he told Diego he would end him if Madison was roped into his crimes, heabso-fucking-lutelywill. He told Killian and me the same thing when we had a talk with him at Madison’s graduation dinner. Maddy never knew we knew her Dad. He kept his involvement in the Mafia a secret from his kids—that is, until now. Perhaps Vincenzo will give Diego a grace period, knowing his daughter is quite captivated by the lad.

Captivated. Who am I kidding? She’s batshit crazy over him.

Anyone can see that.

“Where is Lexi and the rest of the crew now?” Maddy inquires.

“Those still awake are in the hot tub at the pool,” Kil confirms.

Sel pats her belly, pushing the rest of her food in front of her. “I’m stuffed.” Kil covers her hand with his, smiling down at his unborn child.

“Mind if I eat that?” I ask, pointing to the rest of her quesadilla.

“All yours,” she giggles, extending her hand to pass over the food.

I scarf it down in a few bites, eliciting a smile on Madison’s tense face.

“Savage,” she mouths, shaking her head.

“When am I not?” I laugh, licking the sour cream and nacho cheese off my thumb.

The front door opens and we all tense, directing our attention to it. A spark of hope enters Maddy’s eyes. I assume she thought Diego was going to walk through that door. His cousin slams the door behind him, walking in our direction.