I stand, shimmying out of my skirt and removing my flip-flops. When I bend over to place them in my bag, I can feel more than one set of eyes on my ass.
“Told you that bathing suit should be illegal,” Diego complains.
“Well, I like it.” I stick my tongue out at my husband, who is leaning his arms on the pavers, looking up at me. His hair is slicked back. Water droplets cling to his tan skin.
Imagine a model for a cologne ad.You know the type.Guy ina pool, low cut bathing suit…wet skin.Yep. That’s my man. Mmm.
I waste no time sitting down on the pavers and throwing my legs over the edge of the pool. Diego slides between them, gripping both of my thighs. Tilting his head up, he claims my lips.
“I never said I didn’tlikeit… but too many people here like it too…” His eyes direct over to Liam behind me.
Diverting the budding tension, I hop in and wade over to where Lexi is resetting the cups. “You got this, babe. Show himnomercy.” She extends her fist so that I bump it.
Liam jumps in with my drink, sploshing through the water to hand it to me. “Figured you would be needing this.” His smile broadens as he reaches me. Like he should get some sort of brownie points or something.
“Thanks.” I take a nice sip and place it down on the floating table.
“Can I be your partner?” he asks, nudging my shoulder.
“No. This is between Madison and I,” Diego answers for me. For once, I’m grateful for it.
Liam lifts his hands in surrender. “Alright. Con and I have next.”
Liam, Lexi, and Con convene in the corner of the shallow end as a round of shots gets passed around. They eagerly accept, tossing them back with ease. When the waitress leans over the side of the pool to offer me one, I politely wave her off.
It’s too early for shots. We have all night.
I grab a ball from the cup and toss it back and forth between my hands.
“Alright,Mariposita. Let’s make this game a bit more interesting. How about a wager? You can set your terms first.”
“Hmm…If I win, you have to give me anything I want.” I cross my arms, pushing my boobs up and teasing the fuck out of him.How about a dose of your own medicine, Bone Breaker?
It works. His eyes zero in on them while his tongue darts out to lick his lower lip.
“You don’t need to win a game in order for me to give you anything you want. So, if you win or lose, it makes no difference to me.”
I can't help but smile at that. It really is the truth. He wouldgiveanything,sayanything, and doabsolutely anything for me.
“And if you win?” I raise a snarky eyebrow.
“If I win…I get to steal you away before dinner. And I think you already know what I want,” he says pointedly, staring below my navel.
Goosebumps spring up along my skin.
“Deal.” I reach my hand out to shake his extended one. His grip is firm, but his thumb is gentle, rubbing back and forth over the top of my hand. Those sapphire eyes are shaded by dark-tinted Oakley sunglasses. I don’t need to see them to know they are swirling with lust.
Let the games begin.
“Madison!How could you? Our winning streak is officially ruined,” Lexi fake cries into her hands.
I pretend to console her, rubbing her back. “I’m sorry, Lex. No one told me Diego was a fucking beast at beer pong.” My gaze darts over to my husband who is doing a celebratory shot with Liam.
Seems those two have gotten over the tension. Probably at the expense of me losing this game.Men.I roll my eyes.
“He is a beast and a brute.” Lexi glares at him.
“I heard that,Alexis,” Diego laughs, stacking the plastic shot glasses and leaving them at the edge of the pool.