“I don’t wantgentle. I need you to fuck me, Diego. Don’t foreplay. Don’t tease…” My voice shakes as I struggle to get his belt and buttons undone.
Finally, I free him, running my clenched fist up and down his length. He growls in response, lifting my ass and entering me swiftly. I cry out, my walls cinching around him. We move together, desperately grinding into each other. His fingers grip my hair at the scalp, holding me in place as his cock pounds into me.
It’s too much and not enough.
His grunts ricochet around the tent, not giving a damn who hears us.
“Yes! Christ, Diego, I missed you.”
“Me too, baby. So much. I promise you I am so close to clearing my name. You will have the life you deserve. No more hiding in the shadows. I want the whole fucking world to know you’re mine.”
As if he wasn’t already practically splitting me in half, he pushes into me harder, tearing an Earth shattering orgasm right out of me. I scream out my release into the crook of his neck as tears work their way down my face.
“In the dark, in the light. I’m yours.” I place a kiss to his collarbone.
“Feel better?” The palm of his hands skim up my back.
“Much,” I giggle, resting my head on his shoulder.
“You?” I ask, tracing my index finger up the button of his collared shirt.
“Definitely.” He lifts my head, gently clearing the remaining tears off my face. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
“Not at all. It was just really intense—in a good way. That’s why I cried,” I confirm, shooting him a smile as I sort out my dress and stand.
He tucks himself back in, situating his clothes before standing. Firm hands reach out and angle my head up, his lips press against mine in the most delicate way. “It was like that for me too,Mariposita. Shall we get back to the party?”
“Yes. Lexi is probably looking for me. You think they heard us?”
“I think the astronauts on the International Space Station heard us,” he chuckles. “Come on, beautiful.” His hand twines with mine, guiding us out of the cabana and back towards the rowdy crowd.
Lexi and Conorare dancing under the Edison string lights. Her brother and his husband are there too, dancing to the lively EDM music blasting out of the speakers. A kaleidoscope of colors paint Lexi’s smiling face. She is staring at her betrothed lovingly. It makes my heart swell. I couldn’t be happier for them.
Diego spins me around, leading me into the crowd. Lexi swivels her head to greet me and squeals a tone I know all too well.
“Maddy! Let’s dance.” She hugs me tightly, brushing my hair behind my shoulder while swaying with me. “Seriously. Thank you for planning this.” Her eyes scan the crowd and the beach. “This is incredibly beautiful.”
I squeeze her tightly. “You’re welcome. You both deserve to be celebrated before your big day. I can’t believe you’ll be married in a few days,” I gush.
“I know it was a lot to plan, considering we moved it up, but we just couldn’t wait any longer.” She releases me to collect both my hands in hers, raising them between us. “Who would have thought two goody two shoes would marry hot mobsters?” She laughs before her eyebrows push together then raise to her hairline. Her thumb skims over my engagement ring. “He proposed again?” she shouts giddily.
A warm smile grows on my face as my cheeks heat. A few of our syndicate members along with Diego, Liam, and Killian turn to look at the commotion. Diego winks at me from the bar. This is why I love him. Without asking, he’s given me the space to chat with my bestie. Sel is with him, smiling up at her brother who is looking at me like I hung the moon.
“He did,” I sigh contentedly. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I didn’t want to take away from your time to shine. Lex, I finally feel like my heart isn’t wandering. This feels so right. He’s it for me. I know I may have been unsure in the past—okay, one toomany times—but this feels different. He’s different than anyone I’ve ever known.”
“I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure about him from the beginning. Because of how you started off. He seemed like he always had a hidden agenda…” she trails off before we both break out laughing and quoting Ms. Ungermeyer fromThe Lizzie McGuire Movie.
“‘Sneaky little brown noser with a hidden agenda’,” we mimic her voice, perfectly in sync.
This is exactly why we are friends. She gets me.We can’t help but bend over at the hip, holding our stomachs and cracking up as tears leak out of our eyes.
“But in all seriousness, from what I see on your face, and how that man is currently looking at you—as we act like complete weirdos…I’d say you are right where you belong.” Her smile broadens and she pulls me in for another hug.
“Alright, alright,” I sniffle, wiping a tear from beneath my eye. “Enough of the sap. Let’s get this party started!” I holler.
The two of us will always be thick as thieves.
At the thought of friendships, Lainey comes up to us.I should extend an olive branch.