“Um…no…no. I didn’t. I spent my days working at the local coffee shop or going to the gym. Occasionally, I’d meet someone out at the bar. My favorite couple, Simon and John would always try to encourage me to go home with one of the guys who tried to grab my attention, but I never did. It just didn’t feel right. Did you?”
He smiles like the Cheshire Cat at my admission and shakes his head back and forth, a loose curl falling over his forehead.
“As if my performance last night wasn’t proof enough… No, I haven’t slept with anyone. A few of my past flings heard through the grapevine thatEl Rompe Huesoswas still alive and tried to reconnect, but I wasn’t having it. There was only one woman I craved—and she was two thousand miles away. Wanting nothing to do with me.”
His hand finds my face as he lowers his lips to mine. “Doesshe want me now?” The vulnerability in his voice has my heart rate spiking.
“I’m not sure what I want. I need time, Diego. Can you give me that? Time to figure this out? Time to decide what I want…or…possibly who I want?”
My heart slams against my ribcage when he remains silent.
“I won’t keep you from being with Liam if that’s who your heart longs for. If dating us both is what you need to figure it out, then fine. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Thank you for understanding. I actually have an important question. Are we still legally married?”
“Fuck yes, we are. So I suppose we are agreeing to an open marriage for now?” He chuckles, rubbing his left hand up his sternum. His ring catches my eye. I wonder where mine are now? I left them with Lexi the day that I left. She gave them back to him.
“Right. Guess so.”
I sit up and slide off the bed, not even bothering to hide my nakedness from him. He’s seen it. The man pulled a damn tampon out of my vagina and had his fingers up my ass a few hours ago… Pretty sure any ounce of anxiety or embarrassment I had over my body has gone out the window.
Entering the en suite, I turn the shower on to almost scalding and then step in. The hot water soothes away any of the achiness I obtained from the plane ride, dancing, and early morning extracurricular activities.
The glass door slides open and Diego enters, taking up all of my space. “I have request.”
“Request?” I ask incredulously. This is going to be rich coming from him.
“Okay. Ademand. You know me too well,” he laughs as he slathers shampoo into his hair.
“What’s that?” I ask, washing my body with his coconut bodywash instead of my own. He notices and smirks before shifting behind me to rinse his hair of the suds.
Cobalt eyes swirl with the intensity of a Category 5 hurricane. He hooks a muscular arm around me and tugs me forward. Our bodies slap together on contact as his hand trails down my tailbone and over the swell of my ass. The palm of his hand comes down hard, the sting of the hot water adding to the potency of it.
“This is mine and mineonly,” he growls.
He stalks towards me until my shoulders hit the tiles and his right hand lands flat against the space next to my head. Getting nose to nose with me before kissing me senseless, he releases an exasperated sigh.
“I want to fuck you into oblivion right now,” he groans. The promise lacing his voice has me clenching my thighs together to ease the ache of desire.
“I think I want you to fuck me into oblivion right now,” I laugh, staring at his frustratingly handsome face.
“Youthink? Gee,Mariposita. That wasn’t what it seemed like last night when you were swallowing my cock or when you arched your back so far off the bed you nearly snapped your spine.” Diego slides his hand off the wall and wraps it around my neck. He lowers his lips to my ear. “Do you need a reminder of how much you wanted me last night?”
Holy. Shit.My core throbs at the words coming out of his dirty mouth. His vulgarity has me turning into a puddle of need at his feet and circling the drain. This man will be the death of me.
Yes! I need a fucking reminder.
I aIso need to get to the hospital, to the toy store, and then back here for Kian’s first birthday. All while trying to keep my wits about me. That is, if I am going to get through the rest of the day with both Liam and Diego. Oh, and let’s not forget thetalk I need to have with him about potentially moving in with Liam.
Today is going to be fun.So much fun.
I need espresso.Stat. And maybe another orgasm…
“Maybe later,” I shrug, acting uninterested as he releases me to finish up his shower.
“Definitelylater,” he sneers, placing a chaste kiss to my lips.
He steps out, leaving me alone with my thoughts. And in a whirlwind of emotions.