You see, I am a soldier like her man was too—but not the kind you may be thinking of. I work for the Kennedy family. The head of the Irish Mob here in the States’. Our territory consists of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.

My job is to protect the brotherhood, those I took an oath for—my family.

How did I get involved in such a heinous lifestyle? My best friend’s Da practically raised me after my Mum passed. She was a single mother, and I was an only child. My Da left us when I was born, which left me an orphan. I was only ten when she died. That was the age I learned that the man who took me in was in the Irish Mob. And not just in it, butruledit. Although we lived in Ireland at the time, he was becoming needed more in the States’. We moved that same year, taking up residence in New York. From that point on, the criminal underworld became all I knew.

The Tri-State Irish Syndicate became the talk of the underworld, and Jack Kennedy wasruthless. His name and power quickly gained recognition and respect from the other syndicates and organizations across the globe.

At eighteen, I was already moving product and flying around the country on assignments. Jack taught his son and I all we needed to know to become the powerful men we are today. I would lay my life down for any of them. The Kennedy’s are the only family I have left, and I’m beyond grateful for them. They gave meeverythingwhen I hadnothing.

As of recently, Jack has been very ill. Three years ago, he was diagnosed with an aggressive form of pancreatic cancer. His son—the next heir, asked me to run the Connecticut business while he tackles Jersey and New York. The same day I started here three years ago is the day I metMadelyn.

I open the back door, and her familiar scent invades my space. As soon as she is outside, I waste no time greeting her.

“Hey there, love.” I smile, picking her up and pulling her into one of our old hugs.Damn this woman!She smells just as good as I remembered. That perfume could drive a man fucking mad. I suppose that’s where her nicknameMad Maddycame about. I heard her friends call her that a few times.

Her arms wrap around my neck, forcing her full lush breasts to press against my body. Silky tanned skin brushes against my face. I set her down, lingering my hands at her waist, afraid if I let go, she’ll disappear again.

Am I going fucking bat shit?This woman leaves my life for a year, and the first day I see her, I start thinking like an eejit.

I’ve got it fucking bad for her. I told myself she had a man. I told myself not to use my resources to investigate her life—and I didn’t—yet she’s all I’ve thought about since the last time I saw her.

Seeing her today is like handing a man a glass of water after being parched for weeks. I didn’t truly realize how much I was thirsting for her until now. All I can do is soak it all up, every succulent ounce of her.

Chase isveryluckythat I’ve been distracted.

Her leather and lace look isn’t helping my cock settle down. I reach into my jeans pocket and try to nonchalantly adjust it, while grabbing my pack of smokes and lighter.

I pull two from the pack and place one between my lips. “Still smoking, lass?” I ask, raising an eyebrow. I light mine, pulling the smoke deep into my lungs, hoping the nicotine will calm my nerves in her presence. You know, its funny, ask me to shoot someone in the foot, no problem. Ask me to converse with this goddess of a woman, and I’m the biggestpussyever.

Exhaling, I see her nod out of the corner of my eye. I place a cigarette between her lips. A set of lustrous brown eyes with lashes for days study me. They are full of pain and sadness. A portal deep into her soul that shows just how much she’s been suffering.

Maddy shivers and I instantly regret making her feel uncomfortable. I spark the lighter and cup my hand around the flame to light her cigarette. She deliberately takes a step back and retreats towards the couch by the fire.

I’ve always been her protector, yet, here I am, making her feel she needs protectionfromme.

She sits and places her head on the back of the couch to observe the stars. It’s pretty cloudy tonight. I’m not sure she’ll see much. Smoke blows out of her mouth towards the sky as if releasing all the tension she’s had built up. It probably wasn’t easy for her to get back out here tonight. I suppose this is her first night out with the ladies—and not one of them is to be found.

I need to make this right. Maddy needs some form of comfort right now. I silently take my place on the couch beside her, and pull her into a tight hug. She instantly melts into me. This is what she needed.Who am I to deny her comfort?

“I heard about yer man. I am so sorry, love,” I apologize, getting rid of the elephant in the room. A small sigh escapes her lips as she mentally confirms the source of the information she never disclosed.

“Leah?” she states more than asks.

“Yeah,” I confirm as I place a strand of hair behind her ear. “I thought you’d gotten sick of me and this bar full of idiots,” I blurt out, releasing her from my hold. Her body trembles.Smooth,Liam. You are acting like the biggest pussy ever. Now she’s even more freaked out by my loose lips. Usually I’m very calculated, but with her, I feel unnerved.

I attempt to remedy the mess I’ve created thus far. The last thing I want to do is make her uncomfortable around me. “When Leah told me about what happened to yer man, I asked her for your number. I wanted to extend my condolences, but she told me it wasn’t a good idea.” I had wished Leah would have just given me her goddamn number. But knowing how she affects me, I wouldn’t have been able to stop texting her.

“She mentioned you were in a really bad place this last year...” I trail off as I eye her, cautiously seeing if I officially overstepped our…friendship. I watch as she takes a drag of her cigarette and exhales what looks like smoke mixed with relief.

“We’ve got some catching up to do, Liam…” she looks at me as one corner of her mouth turns up in a half smile.

At least I didn’t completely fuck up tonight. I just hope we can get back to the place we used to be. I want nothing more than to put a smile back on her face. Watch her eyes glow with the spark they once had. Hear her sweet laugh again and watch her dish out thatsarcasmof hers…

I’ll do whatever is necessary to protect her from anyone who could hurt her.But does that include protecting her from me?

I putout my cigarette while searching for my drink. It’s empty of course. Getting up, I look back at Liam’s large frame sitting on the couch behind me. He looks so out of place on such a delicate piece of wicker furniture. I'll need another drink for this if we are going to catch up. I reach for the glass and shake the remaining ice left. “I’ll be right back, just need a refill,” I smile at him.

He grabs the glass from my hand like the absolute gentleman he is. Our fingers lightly brush against each other, sending a wave of excitement coursing through me.What would it feel like to have his fingers brush other parts of my body?