I let out a silent breath before I grab Liam’s hand.

* * *

Liam leavesto go to the pool first, telling me to meet him there in fifteen minutes. I am wearing my new black bikini—the kind with a revealing thong bottom. Liam couldn’t hold back his excitement when we got back to the room. The bikini was on the bed, surrounded by rose petals. Normally, I wouldn’t wear something so revealing—but with Liam—I feel daring and bold. The fluffiest black bathrobe is wrapped around me. Liam got himself a matching one too.Which he looks freakin’ adorable in.

I check my phone, and my fifteen minutes is up. I’m more than ready to spend some alone time with my man.

I pass Selena’s room at the end of the hall by the elevator and stop short. I’mnottrying to eavesdrop—but it's hard not to hear the bedframe hitting the wall. The sound of moaning and slapping seeps from under the door. Killian grunts and Selena sighs, “fuck baby, I missed this so much.”

I’ve heard enough and press the button to the elevator with impatience.

Click. Click. Click. Come on!

I tap my foot while I wait. One of the staff must be using it on the main floor. I contemplate taking the stairs. Selena’s door opens, revealing the both of them in their own set of bathrobes. I give them a quick smile. My gaze goes back up to the elevator arrows. With a ding, the doors open, and I get in—grateful for an escape.

Then the worst possible scenario happens.

They both get in with me, laughing and giddy in sexual afterglow.

“Hey, Maddy,” Selena giggles again.

“Madison, where are you off to? We were just about to use the hot tub—you’re welcome to join us.” He winks at me and his lips twitch.

I want to smack that smug look right off his face.He knows where I am heading.

“Killian!” Selena smacks his shoulder. “Girl, you’re hot. I meansuperhot. I’m just not into threesomes. No offense.”Translation—he’s mine, bitch.

“None taken.” I tap my foot and cross my arms over my chest, ready to get off this damn elevator.

I book it down the hallway when we reach the top floor. “Have a nice night,” I shout over my shoulder.

I open the patio doors, so absorbed in what just happened, that I barely take notice of Liam sitting by the fire. Rose petals and candles form a heart around him. Clear votives with floating candles surround the pink-colored pool. Swirls of steam rise off the top. Liam has a bottle of champagne and two bubbling glasses sitting on the table near the fire pit.

A smile forms on his face as I approach him. He stands and tugs the lapels of my bathrobe to pull me closer to him, placing a sweet kiss on my lips. “Happy Valentine’s Day, baby.”

Tears prick my eyes. “Liam…” I take another glance around. “This is all so perfect. You set this up?”

“I had some help, but yes, it was all my idea.” His voice is full of pride. And it should be. This is beautiful and so thoughtful.

I capture his lips in mine again and wrap my arms around his neck. He picks me up and cups my bare ass in his hands. They are cold but welcomed against my too-hot skin. My tongue traces along his lips. He growls against mine in response.

“I can’t wait to strip these off you, but I will say—I amlovingthese bottoms—or lack thereof.” He gives my ass a nice squeeze.” All mine,” he whispers.

Liam places me down on the couch and takes his place next to me. He hands me a glass of champagne. My smile widens at how sweet he is to have put all this together. We clink glasses, our eyes roaming over each other hungrily when the sliding door opens. His eyes dart over to it, and he instantly becomes tense.

Killian and Selena walk out with cocktails in their hands. “Aw Liam, I always knew you were a big old softie!” Selena sing-songs.

“Nice touch, brother.” Killian nods to the pool. “We were about to use the hot tub. Mind if we join?”

Liam grumbles next to me and whispers, “so much for getting you naked under the stars.”

I run a finger over his lips, ignoring Killian and his rude interruption.

Take a fucking hint, dude.

“Maybe they’ll take the hint if we pack on the PDA,” I snicker and place a loud kiss on his lips. I was cordial during dinner. All bets are off now.

“Ya, no problem. Just close your eyes if we decide to get down and dirty in the pool,” he teases Killian.