Damn, bodyguard.

Many eyes followed us as I walked alongside Killian. His arm, his lips, or his hand never left my body. He introduced me as ‘his woman’ or ‘his Queen’ to everyone he spoke to.

Liam was uneasy the whole time. I could feel the tension rolling off him—andnotthe sexual kind. It was the kind he displayed on the staircase with Chase and his father—who were also in attendance. Their disgusting eyes tracked us everywhere we went. I want to tell Killian about them, but then he would know I was drugged at his bar…and that Liam helped me out.In more ways than one.

We end up having an intimate dinner back at the house in honor of Mr. Kennedy. The alcohol has been pouring steadily all night, and the mood has shifted from somber to excitement for their new leader. Killian has been much more relaxed than he was on New Year’s. I’ve been watching him. As much as he was worried about taking on his new role, he is already doing so seamlessly. I see the way he talks to other members and leaders. He was a natural-born leader.

Liam, on the other hand, has been quiet all day. He didn’t say a word to me unless he had to.Maybe he’s just as worried as I am about these next few months.

As the time ticks closer to midnight, my gut wrenches with the thought of Killian leaving for the airport.

The last of the guests are in the main hall saying their goodbyes and well wishes. Liam and I are in the dining room, still nursing our drinks in silence. He pats my leg under the table, eliciting a hushed gasp from me. I turn to look at him—okay, more like gawk at him. He just sips his drink, ignoring me as if he didn’t just touch me. I wonder if he realizes how shitty this situation is that we are in? I hope that he knows he needs to back off. Killianchose me—hedidn’t. It's too late for us to be anything other than friends.

Killian comes back in, breaking our awkward tension. I rise from my seat to wrap my arms around him. He places a brief kiss on my cheek, smelling like whiskey and cigars.

“I love you, Madison. I promise you if we can make it through this, we can make it through anything.” He rubs his knuckles along my jaw.

Liam stands, scraping his chair against the floor. “I’ll be outside grabbing a smoke.” He points to the back patio.

Killian nods. When Liam is out of sight, he lunges for my mouth. This man is putting so much into this kiss.

Hewantsme to remember this.

He wants to imprint this memory into my brain so when I am missing him, I can think of this moment. The moment I realized how much he means to me and how much Iburnfor him.

His tongue slips through my lips and dances with my own. Teeth clash as we claw at each other. His hands are squeezing my ass and lifting my leg up. He rubs himself against me so I can feel how hard he is for me. We go at it for a while, losing ourselves in each other.

The room could be on fire, and we’d never know.

I moan into his mouth and pull his face closer to mine, deepening the kiss. “Let me drop you off at the airport,” I beg between kisses.

“I shouldn’t…” he nips at my lip, “but I want to spend every last second with you.”

Liam clears his throat, and Killian laughs against my lips. “Time’s up, love birds.” He is leaning against the entryway, one booted foot crossed over the other. His eyes still refusing to meet mine.

Killian turns to Liam and shrugs. “Change of plans. You mind driving me to the airport instead of Conor? Madison is going to come with us. She has a way of getting everything she wants.”

Liam’s face hints at a smile. He crosses his arms over his chest and smooths his features. “Whatever ya want, Kil. I’ll get the car.”

* * *

The ridethere was emotional as hell. I couldn’t stop crying. Killian just rocked me in his arms in the backseat. He whispered how much he loved me and that he would come home to me.

My mascara is most likely all over his shirt, and my nose is stuffy from ugly crying. He rubs gentle circles around my back as I try to breathe and calm down. We are standing on the tarmac while they finish fueling the jet. He lifts my chin one last time to give me his own salty kisses and leans his forehead against mine.

“Don’t give up on us, Madison. It may get difficult, but I promise to keep in touch as much as I can. Trust me, when I get home, you won’t leave our bedroom for weeks.” He gives my ass a tap for good measure.

He’s such a charmer.

“I won’t,” I sniffle, placing one more kiss on his lips.

Liam reaches out his hand and pulls Killian into a back-slapping hug.

“Take care of my woman, will ya?” Kil laughs.


Killian walks up the steps to his jet, and the flight attendant closes the door.