* * *

Liam comes up an hour later.A much more sober and put-together Liam. He's changed out of his tuxedo and into his ‘normal’ attire: black t-shirt, jeans, and boots. He takes a seat next to me and laces his fingers together, resting them on the table.

“So what’s the plan, brother?” Concern is written all over his face. He knows a lot is about to change over the next few days. It will equally affect his life as well as my own.

“I promised to keep Madison’s life a nice balance between her world and mine. I plan to keep that promise as best I can.” I look up at him from my paperwork.

“What do you need me to do?” he asks as the lawyer places some legal documents in front of him.

“She isn’t going to like this—but I need her to stay here in our home. It’s the safest, most guarded place. Her presence here tonight alerted everyone thatshe is mine.Madison living back in Connecticut would be a risk I’m not willing to take.” I comb my fingers through my hair.

“I’m sure that won’t be a problem to arrange,” he mumbles, signing the documents with a heavy hand.

“Madison has a J-term to finish in order to graduate. I wouldn’t want to derail those plans. The original plan was for her to go home to her off-campus house after the New Year. When the term was over at the end of January, she was going to move home to Long Island—but that is all about to change.I’ll have her belongings brought here so she is comfortable. Her classes are all online, and I know the professors, so it should work out fine.”

“I agree. This is the safest place for her. There are enough men to keep her safe while everything is in transition, and we are most vulnerable,” he nods, flipping through the pages with shaky hands.

“I won’t keep Lexi from her either. Conor can bring her here if Madison desires. Madison needs to understand that she isn’t aprisoner in this home. She can leave to go to campus or meet for lunch with family. Whatever she wants. As long as she is with you,” I drop the bomb on him. He snaps his head up from his paperwork.

“Me?” He points a pen-held hand to his chest.

“I need to head to Ireland to finish the transition of power.” I take a sip of my whiskey. “Da’s connections are meeting me at the airport in a few days. You are my second now, Liam. If I die—this all goes to you. In saying that, I need you home to run the Syndicate while I take care of things overseas. Conor will take over the Connecticut business until we settle it all out.”

Liam whistles out. “Damn, Kil. You know she’s going to put up a fight on that.”

“I don’t have a choice. And what’s worse is I'll need to be there for a few months. Three at minimum,” I let out a groan, burying my face in my hands. Just thinking of being away from her for that long breaks my heart.

Liam raises his eyebrows. “Well, shit.”

“I hope that this doesn’t ruin us…I can’t lose her too. In such a short period of time, she has becomemy everything. I hate that she will be thrown into this life like this.”

“What is the saying? ‘Distance makes the heart grow fonder’?” he laughs, lightening the mood.

“I need a favor from you, Liam.” My mood starts to shift to a more serious one.

“Anything. What do you need, Kil?”

“I trust you withmy life.Andnow I am trusting you withhers. I need you to move back here, Liam. I know you have your own place in Connecticut, but Madison needs round the clock protection.”

“You got it. Not a problem.” He signs the last document and hands it to the lawyer.

That was easier than expected. I thought he would have put up a fight. Liam has a preference for his home in Connecticut. It’s nothing like the city. His place is all woods and trees, andspace. We are polar opposites when it comes to our likes.

“Thanks,sweetheart.” I crack a smile as he stands to leave. “Is Madison okay?”

“She is. The girls had some dessert and went back to Lexi’s room until you’re able to head back.”

“I should be wrapping this up soon. Can you let Maddy know she can help herself to my shower? My bathroom has all the overnight items she needs. I’ll meet her in my room—well, I guess it’sour roomnow.”

“Sure.” He turns on his boot and leaves.

The lawyer hands me another stack of papers. “Sir, I need you to sign off on the rest of the funeral arrangements. They will be here to take your father’s body to the funeral home shortly.” He pats my back. “Respectfully, I think you should get some rest after this. It is going to be a long few weeks.”

I run a hand through my hair and sign the remaining papers, anxious to get back to my woman.I need to be inside her right now. Her gentle touch will calm the storm brewing inside me. The restlessness I feel. The frustration of knowing I won’t be around her in just a few short days. The fear of taking over the family business. Of running an empire.

I want nothing more than to show her how much I love her.

I just hope she trusts me enough to leave her for a few months.