Liam pulls a pack of menthols and a lighter out from his dark wash jean pocket. He grabs two, holding them up between his fingers, and raises an eyebrow at me. “Still smoking, lass?” he asks as he places his own between his lips and lights up.
I nod as I study him blowing the smoke toward the crisp night sky.What is happening to me?I’ve always appreciated this man for his looks and protective nature, butneverhave I feltdrawnto him in this magnetic way. My eyes linger on his lips. It feels like I am seeing him through a new lens. He looks edgier—dangerouseven. Enough to make tingles run up and down my spine.
It must be those damn tequila shots.
He places the cigarette in my mouth as our eyes make contact. I find myself searching those dark eyes. What I see there makes me shiver with a hunger I have not felt in over a year. My palms become slick, and desire begins to ignite in my core.What the actual fuck? Did Chase put something in my drink? I feel high off of Liam, lusting over him like I never have before.
The spark of the lighter breaks me out of my reverie. I inhale and take a step back, blowing smoke upwards. He gives me that lopsided smile I know all too well. I see it on many of my classmates' faces when they find out about Sean.Sympathy.
I make my way to the cushioned wicker couches by the gas fire pit, avoiding the familiar feeling of being felt sorry for.I’m tired of people walking on eggshells around me.I place my drink down, prop my legs on the edge of the fire pit and lean back to look at the stars.
The cushion beside me sinks in as Liam sits beside me, wrapping his burly arms around me. They are covered in Celtic tribal markings and intricate swirls. Heat radiates off him, putting the fire to shame. His delicious scent encompasses me—a mix of lavender soap and some sort of woodsy cologne.Cedarwood, maybe?
“I heard about yer man. I am so sorry, love,” he says apologetically.
“Leah?” I question, knowing she was most likely the one who told him about my unexplained absence.
“Yeah,” he sighs while tucking a stray hair behind my ear. “I thought you’d gotten sick of me and this bar full of idiots.”
He releases me from our embrace and stares into my eyes. Once again, I shiver with these feelings awakening inside me and the loss of his warmth.Get sick of Liam? How could I? He’s always been more than kind to me.
“When Leah told me about what happened to yer man, I asked her for your number. I wanted to extend my condolences, but she told me it wasn’t a good idea.” He takes a long drag of his cigarette. “She mentioned you were in a really bad place this last year,” he eyes me cautiously.
I take my own deep inhale of smoke, watching the cherry glow at the end.
“We’ve got some catching up to do Liam…”
I am backat my post at the back door after breaking up a fight by the outside bar. These kids are fucking out of control. Piss drunk and fighting over a fucking pint spilled on their pretty designer dress shirts. Give me afuckingbreak. Not one of them works. The majority have their parents' money to buy their drinks all night. And that is on top of the fancy dress shirts, the newest shoes, drugs, cars…you name it.
Don’t get me wrong,I enjoy my luxury lifestyle—not the drugs—but I earned that with myblood,sweat,andtears.
As for therealrich kids—they found a business dealing the drugs we distribute out of the underground club of this bar. Their fathers provide them with the money and connections to do so.
The club offers high-stakes gambling—that many of the university elite attend—VIP rooms, and a few BDSM rooms. Lavish parties are held often, especially on the student's first day back on campus. That is whenallthe elite come out to play. A fewprofessorstoo.
The other students are none the wiser of what goes on below. Part of my job is to keep it that way. It is soundproof—but even if it wasn’t—with the noise of the music upstairs,you would never know.
I’m already in a shitmood. One of the little pricks—Chase, has got my blood boiling. I got word he’s been placing ecstasy in the drinks of the women he’s trying to take home.And right now? I don’t give a flying fuck who his Da is or that he is actively doing business with us. Wedonotallow our drugs to be placed unknowingly inanyone’sdrink—especiallyin our fucking bar.
This gobshite is about to get a nice lesson on how this place works and justwhohe is dealing with.
I crack my knuckles and neck in an attempt to calm down. As I turn to make my way back inside to deal with Chase, I spot a stunningly beautiful brunette making her way to the door. The lights from the DJ booth catch her face just right, and I have to do a double take. My heart pounds in my chest like it would after a good sparring session.
It’sMadelyn Marrone. I have not been graced with her beauty in over a year. But the memory of her sure as shit graced my fantasies in the shower.Fuck me.My cock pushes against my zipper as she gets closer.Ineed to calm the fuck down.
A bitter taste forms in my mouth as I mentally list all the reasons I can’t make hermine.
She is seven years younger than me.
She still has university to finish up.
She just lost her fucking boyfriend.
My job is dangerous as fuck.
And most importantly, this woman deservessomuch more than the life I could provide for her.