Killian’s voice echoes through the hallway. Our rooms are adjacent to each other. Sounds like he is showing someone his room.Lucky bastard. That could have been me tonight, but I fucked it up.

The door slams shut, followed by a bang and heavy sighs. I scrub my hands over my face and take a deep breath. Some food will help absorb some of this alcohol, and get me the fuck away from the panting and moaning that’s growing louder.

I run a hand through my hair and swing my legs off my bed. It’s time to face the music that I am a lonely—single man.

Glancing at my reflection in the mirror, I realize what a mess I am. I attempt to smooth out the wrinkles in my tux before donning my black mask and adjusting my bow tie. “Fuck this.” I rip the damn thing off and fling it to the floor. I pop the top three buttons of my shirt to reveal my raven tattoo, remembering its significance. The dark black ink is my reminder of strength after loss, and to always let the truth set you free. And the truth is—Madison has moved on. I need to accept that.

“I am so close…so…ahh.” The feminine voice seeps through my walls. His woman is about to climax. Her high-pitched desperate voice is eerily similar to Madison’s. Flashbacks of our time in her shower blind my vision.This is sick. I feel like a fucking creep. I need to get out of here.Now.

* * *

Downstairs looks incredible.Everything is done just the way it always is, to a perfect T. I spot my favorite chef in the kitchen and make my way over to her. Her mum was the head chef for quite a while until she took over the reins.

“Hey there, Lainey.” She’s plating and running back and forth from the stove to the large island. Her eyes light up when they see me. I think she’s always had a thing for me, but I never felt that way about her. We grew up together. Don’t get me wrong, she is gorgeous, and a fantastic cook,but there’s no spark. Not like the dynamite explosion I felt when I was around Madison.

“Liam, what can I do for you?” She smiles at me while her eyes laser-focus on my chest and then my lips.

“What do ya have to absorb all this alcohol in me?” I drop my eyes from hers and steal a piece of bread from the baskets in front of me. I devour it quickly, reaching for another.

She slaps my hand away. “Don’t just eatbread.” Turning around, she grabs a plate of steak, asparagus, and mashed potatoes from the warmer.Mmm, it smells delicious.

“I prepared this for Mr. Kennedy, but he isn’t feeling well enough to eat tonight.” Her smile falters.

She points to the breakfast stool. “Sit and eat.” I chuckle at her demands and do as she asks. Silverware wrapped in a cloth napkin slides across the granite towards me.

“Need anything else?” Lainey starts plating again.

“Yeah. A time machine,” I mumble over the mouthful of food I just dug into.

* * *

The dance flooris packed with happy couples drinking and dancing. The complete opposite of what I want to be doing right now—other than the drinkingpart.

I make a beeline through the crowd to the bar. It’s acceptable to drown my sorrows in more whiskey now that I’ve eaten. I’ll give myself tonight to throw myself a pity party. Tomorrow is a new day, a new year and I will have to move on from her. I wanted her to have a safe life and find a good man. Now I need to honor that.

I sip my drink and lean against the bar to people watch. Conor has his arms around a beautiful blonde in a blue sequined dress.Go Conor.

Killian is out there too. He’s dancing with a woman in an emerald green gown. Her back is to me but I can make out her tan toned leg that is exposed through the large slit of her dress. I strain my neck over the crowd to try and see the rest of her, but I can’t get a full glimpse. Killian has his hands all over her arse, and they are packing on the PDA, lost in each other. Her dark red curled hair sways along with their movements.

I sip my drink once more and start to move through the crowd. I haven’t seen Killian all night. It would only be right to check in on him and introduce myself to his woman. Slipping back into the crowd, I navigate towards them and clear my throat when I reach the happy couple. His girl turns away, clearly embarrassed. She starts chatting and giggling with Conor’s girl.

A bolt of electricity shoots straight through my heart, nearly stopping it. The palpitations continue as panic starts to creep its way into my soul.I know that laugh. I can pick it out of a crowd anywhere—except this woman is a redhead. There is no way in hell Madison isKillian’s woman.

I study her as a glass of champagne is handed to her. She tilts the glass and takes a sip, fanning her face with the other hand. The waitress is heading my way. I bang back the rest of my drink and slam the tumbler harder than I had wanted onto the tray. She looks startled, and I feel like a dick now.

I place my hand on Killian’s shoulder. He is looking at me like I am a wild animal.I need to see for myself that this isn’t Madison.Maybe my mind is so fucked today that I’ve started to make up scenarios that don’t exist.

“Kil, ya gonna introduce me to yer woman?” I slur, realizing how much alcohol I’ve consumed today.

That’s whenshestops laughing with her friend to turn around. Her chocolate-brown eyes meet mine. To say her expression said it all is an understatement.It is Madison.A mask can’t hide her gorgeous face from me. I stumble back in denial.Did I blackout? Is this just a drunk dream?

Killian lands a hand on my shoulder to steady me, thinking I’m drunk—which I am—but this moment just sobered me up real fucking quick. “Damn, Liam. You’re a fucking mess!” Concern and irritation roll off him.

“I take it you couldn’t get her back?” He softens his tone.

Madison is staring at me with her big doe eyes. Is she afraid I am going to say something?Am I going to say something?Fuck, this is so fucked.

“No.” I run a hand through my hair, keeping it from doing something dangerous, like reaching out to touch her lips. “When I stopped by her house this morning, her mum told me she had aboyfriend,” I say, eyeing Killian. I can’t even believe that out of all the people in this world,hefoundheron a dating app.