Our butler Andrew takes my bags from me when I walk through the door. “I’ll bring these to your room Mr. Donnelly.”

“Thank you, Andrew.” I look around for Killian. “Any idea where Killian is at?”

“He is with his father. Killian requested the staff set up Christmas dinner there due to Mr. Kennedy’s condition. I nod—knowing we are onborrowed time.

I enter the large room on the upper floor of the triplex penthouse. Jack is all set up on the chaise. A light blanket covers his frail body. He looks pale and much weaker than when I had last seen him. But leave it to Jack Kennedy to wear a full suit for Christmas Dinner in his condition. That man has so much pride. I have always been in awe of him. Of his strength. His dedication.

“Liam, my boy,” he says weakly. “Come take a seat. I was just telling Killian there are some important matters we need to discuss.”

Killian stands to hug me, slapping me on the back. “Welcome home,sweetheart,” he jokes.

I laugh and pretend to punch his face. “Merry Christmas, ya gobshite.”

He pours us some whiskey, and we take a seat by Jack.

“I know this will be my last Christmas with you both. I hear the whispers. I’ve got a few weeks left in me if I’m lucky. I’ve already gone through how the transition of power works with Killian. There are still a few other things you two need to know.”

Killian and I exchange curious glances.

“There is no easy way to say this,” he coughs. “I had an affair with your mother, Liam. She was the love of my life.”

He turns to Killian, “I met her many years before I met your mother, Killian.”

Another round of coughs leaves him trying to catch his breath. “Aoife and I had an arranged marriage. To build a stronger alliance between our families.She knew about your mother, Liam.” He turns back to me. “We showed face to everyone that we were happily married. But there wasn’t a night I wouldn’t go to your mum’s house before I went home.”

Killian and I look at each other dumbfounded.

“Aoife gave birth to Killian two months before Liam’s mother, Aisling, did.”What the fuck.My mind races with putting the pieces together. So that makes Killian and I…

“Brothers. You two are brothers. Not just by the oath we take but by the blood that runs through each of your veins. You both areKennedy’s,” Jack finishes.

We are all quiet for a while, processing this huge, life-changing moment.I’m a Kennedy.I swirl my whiskey around my glass. Killian thrumbs his fingers on his legs. My eyes find Jack’s. A look of peace is on his face from his admission.

Killian is the first to break the silence. “Thank you for telling us Da. I’m sure it’s been weighing heavily on your heart.”

“It has. I would have told you sooner, son,” Jack says to me, “but I promised your mum I wouldn’t tell you about this life. It was hard to do that when she passed. I knew I needed to take you in. I brought you into this life but as a foot soldier. Everyone always respected your authority because you’ve always been a son to me, Liam. No one else knows other than Aiofe and my lawyers. Both you and Killian will hold great responsibilities when I pass.I need you to take care of each other.Let our legacy carry on for years to come.”

I get up and shake my Da’s hand. Tears spring from his eyes. This is the first time I’ve ever seen this man cry. “Thank you for telling me this, Jack. I appreciate the life you’ve given me,” I say, getting choked up myself.

Killian approaches me and clasps the back of my head, pulling me into a hug. He slaps my back. “You were always a brother to me, but now it’s official.”

* * *

After dinner,we let Jack get some rest. He barely made it through dinner without needing to be placed back in his bed and on oxygen. Hospice is already fully set up here. Nurses have been in and out checking on him regularly.

Kil and I head outside for some fresh air on the patio. There is a heated inground pool and hot tub. The views of Madison Square Park, The Empire State Building, and the Hudson are incredible. I lean over the railing, inhaling a deep breath of the frosty December air.

Killian hands me two fingers of whiskey in a crystal tumbler. He leans a hip against the railing, and we both take a sip of our drinks. “Well tonight was…” he blows out a breath.

“Yeah,” I agree, finishing the rest of my drink. I place the empty tumbler on the cocktail table next to me and feel around my pockets for my smokes. Placing one between my lips, I hold the pack out to offer Kil one. He shakes his head—he’s not big on smoking cigarettes. He will however, indulge in a good cigar here or there.

The smoke penetrates my lungs, delivering nicotine to my racing mind. “How are things going with your woman?” I attempt to break through some of the awkwardness. I exhale, letting the smoke take away some of my stress.

Killian’s smile grows wider than I have ever seen it. He is genuinely happy, and that makes me so fucking happy for him. If anyone deserves it, it’s him. My mood lightens significantly.

“My God, Liam. She is amazing. Absolutely the most caring, loving, sarcastic woman I have ever met. I am falling in love with her.”

“That’s so great to hear, man.” I take another drag of my cigarette, hating howlonelymy love life is in comparison. I wish more than anything I could have that with Madison right now. The holidays should be a magical time, and it feels anything but. “When do I get to meet her?” Smoke swirls around us, dissipating into the night sky.