“I could have, but I don’t want you to feel like you are being babysat—because you aren’t. I would never forgive myself if anything happened to you. If I didn’t have someone there to protect you.”
“Kil, I miss you so much.” I sound so needy.
“I miss you too, baby.So much. I’mtryingto get some shit in order, so I can try and spend Christmas with you. Don’t forget—New Year’s Eve, you aremine. There will be a masquerade gala held at my home.”
“That sounds amazing. I have never been to agala—let alone a masquerade before. I’m looking forward to it.”
“I’m looking forward to tearing that dress off you at the end of the night and fucking you in my bed.” I squeeze my legs together, feeling the desire for him pulse through me at his vulgar words.
“I’ve got to go, sweetheart. I need to take this call. Facetime me when you’re all settled in at home.
“I will…I L… I’ll let you go.” I hang up quickly.I can’t believe I almost told him I loved him.I mean, IthinkI do. This is what love feels like, right?Safe, secure, happy, adored.
I dial Lexi’s number next. We are meeting up later for a few drinks, and I’m more than excited to see my bestie. She and I are both home for the next few weeks. It sucks that with school, we rarely see each other anymore. The rest of the ride home, I bring her up to speed.
My mom was thrilledto see me when I pulled into the driveway. It’s been a few months since I’ve seen her. Our communication has been limited as well. Both of us have been busy with work and school respectively. It will be nice to finally catch up with her—I haven’t told her about Killian yet. I don’t think I will explain it all to her…just the ‘need to know’. My mom is very conservative. I’m sure it wouldn’t go over well if I told her Killian’s profession.
“Have you called your dad to tell him you’re home?” Mom asks while helping me take my bags from the trunk of my Jeep.
My mom and dad have been divorced since my senior year of High School. Truthfully, I think they still love each other. They just got married too young. My parents are better off living separate lives. If anything, they are much happier now than when they were together. Dad has his own apartment on the other side of town, and Mom got the house.
I will need to check in with him while I am home. If Mom doesn’t hound him on his health, my sisters and I do. We usually spend Christmas Day with him and Christmas Eve with my mom. New Year’s Eve has always been with friends, but this year will be an extraspecialone.
“Not yet, Mom. I just got home!” I laugh as I drag my heavy ass suitcase up the steps and through the front door. Damn me for packing so much shit.A girl can never be too prepared. We always need options.
My ten-year-old chihuahua wobbles her way over to greet me. For a teacup, she looks like a mini meatloaf. I drop my bags at the front door and toe off my shoes. Mom’s always been one ofthose–the type who is anal about shoes in a basket by the door. I toss my sneakers in the wicker basket then pick up my sweet girl.
“Hey, Roxy! How’s my little chunk?” I baby-talk her, letting her lick my nose.
Mom pulls the dog and I into a warm embrace. “I know you’ll probably meet up with Lexi tonight. How about you come and have a drink with me first? I’ve restocked up on wine now that you and your sister are home,” she rolls her eyes at me.
Roxy squirms out of my arms, scurrying off to the living room. Most likely she’ll find her favorite spot on the couch to sleep.
I take a seat at the kitchen island while Mom pours me a glass of cabernet sauvignon. “Hope you’re hungry. I ordered pizza,” she smiles gently. There’s one thing you need to know about my mom—she always makes sure we are fed. Knowing her, it won’t just be pizza—rather, a whole spread of Italian food.
“Thank God. I’m literally starving!” My fifteen-year-old sister makes her appearance. She comes over and gives me a huge hug. “I missed you, Maddy.”
“I missed you more, Mel.” I rock her in my arms. She’s looking more and more mature every time I see her. I have always beenoverlyprotective of my little sister. Like a second mom—but way cooler. At such a young age, she took the brunt of my parent’s divorce. That’s why I made it my duty to always include her on my shopping trips and coffee runs. When I’m away at school, I text her as often as possible.
The front door creaks open, interrupting our reunion. The dog starts yapping and running towards the door.Chihuahuas.
“Mikayla!” My mom runs to the door.Can you guess who her favorite is? I am the oldest, but not by much. My sister Mikayla was born eleven months later—Mom didn’t exactly listen to the six-week abstinence rule. My sister and I, visually, are polar opposites. Mik is a blue-eyed, blonde-haired stunner. A beauty mark the same as Marilyn Monroe adds that extra allure to her beautiful face.
Men have always been interested in my sister. For good reason too. MyIrish twinis gorgeous.The irony is not lost on me. I call her my Sun; she calls me her Moon. Mik is all light and sunshine, and I am all dark and…moody? We used to be completely different as teenagers. She was into sports. I was into science and music. As we got older, we became much closer.
Frequenting our town bar.
Hanging out with the same crowd.
House parties.
Half-priced apps at Applebees.
She even went to college a few towns over from me so we could stay close.
Mom is in her glory right now. You can see it in the way she smiles. “I just love having all my girls home!”
Mikey sits beside me, casually ruffling my hair as she walks by. We get to see each other frequently while we are away at school. She was always checking up on me when Sean died. “What’s up sis?” she grins as Mom pours her a glass of wine.