They say: ‘lightning never strikes twice’...

Apparently—based on a quick web search–it can.

Multiple times. Usually, with things that are isolated and tall.

Like me.

This fact has me wondering if love can also strike you multiple times,

changing the beat of your heart each time.

So, what do you do when you feel an instant connection with Liam, the enigmatic bouncer with his own secrets? What happens when he leaves you with no choice in the matter and not even a second glance behind him?

You move on—only to discover that you are now dating his best friend. His partner incrime.

The same man who will soon be the leader of the Tri-State Syndicate.

I never knew passion this intense or temptation that delicious could stun me twice.

But it sure can.

Now, Liam is back, and he wants me back too.

It’s too late for us. At least, that’s what I tell myself.

He madehischoice, but did I makemine?

Haveyou ever questioned why the Universe puts certain people in your life only to remove them? Me too. I guess it’s all about the lessons—but why do good people learn such hard lessons?Maybeit was the plan all along before we even incarnated. Some ‘Divine plan’.

Then, there are what I like to think of as ‘Divine detours’—rerouting our course without warning. Like a sailboat in a storm that gets lost at sea and ends up somewhere it never expected.

I constantly wonder, if the Universe didn’t intervene, where would I be right now? It couldn’t be healthy to live our lives thinking about the ‘what ifs’—but whatifwe did?What ifonething, was done differently? Then what? Could itchangeour fate?Could it have changed mine?

He is gorgeous, he is mysterious and he ismine—well not technically—but what if he still was?That ‘what if’ was the only thing that kept me going in this crazy shit show of a relationship.If you would even call it that.The indescribable connection I shared with him was esoteric.

The kind of love that you see in movies.

The type you greedily soak up in romance novels.

The hot,alpha maletype with thebig…you know where I’m going with this.

Really, it was that knowing feeling—even when it didn’t make sense.The deeply rooted knowledge that this man was meant to be in my life in one capacity or another.

There is one problem, however.

Okay, onemajorproblem.

His best friend also makes me feel that way.

My roommate Leah and my bestie Alexis are the only ones whoknewwhat this was and how complicated it became. I sit here and wonder if the grief messed with my head. Perhaps I lost touch of reality. It couldn’t be possible to love two men at the same time?Could it?

I am about to fill you in onallthe details: The good, the bad, and theugly.

Let’s call it our little secret.

You be the judge. Am I walking a dangerous line, or is this the most epic love story in the making?

Let's get back to where it all started…